
SO EXCITEDDDDDD I love Lorelai and her dreams about celebrities

I will listen to anything she puts out. Record a cat shitting Annie, I will download it

I’m wet

Madonna wit ya thirsty ass

Lol I love the idea that his people prob just throw shit on hootsuite two weeks before and call it a day

They’re characteristic of HER. I think imperfections make ppl beautiful. Keep the teeth, girl

....The title of this gives me life because it’s def something a white person would say


Wow that’s awesome good for her championing sustainability

Nooo. Nicki, my love, you’re better than those horrible blonde highlights, what happened bby? Amys dress is horrible and she looks miserable

Nicole Kidman SLAY, willow and jaden slay and are totes adorbs holding hands, Kate Hudson slay, Gaga is my 80's style icon

I’m dying to see what my queen RiRi wore tonight. Taylor, you fucked up, girl.

I vote tights

I voted for him..he was supposed to be better than Jindal...Not a great sign. :/ The Catholic church seems to have more pull here than possibly any other state

Kylieeeeeeeee don’t

Haha this is one of my most favorite scenes

Dont know if u got the memo but fanny packs are really IN right now

You can’t just ASK its like fight club..

I actually really enjoy talking to my mom about sex even if it makes me cringe a bit when she talks about my dad but she’s super conservative so it tickles me..I’m also 30 not 19 but we even talked about it then in a roundabout way, nothing specific

Tastes like musty earthly eucalyptus but kinda nutty?