Calvin Weeder

Melc, not in the slightest. When people have to fabricate and fantasize in order to vilify someone, that means that person must be pretty great otherwise her detractors would have criticisms that are actually based in reality to use against her. I spent hours looking for any dirt on Hillary, couldn't find a shred. But

Melc said "blah blah spew spew"

I think it's pretty obvious that the reason the right-wing gun lobby is so comfortable in issuing their propaganda is because they know they're never the victims of politically-motivated gun-nuts going on shooting rampages because those rampaging gun-nuts are always motivated by right-wing ideology. Plus they think

OK well I admit I was trolling you rather than getting to the point…

If the guy who shot up the baseball game had touched off a civil war with his action, and if 'his' side won, he'd go down in history as a great hero. It's all in the context…

I suppose I'm being a little presumptuous that you are in fact hallucinating. Most people would call your statement that I said something about not winning the election because of Russians a 'strawman' because that claim was never stated, but I think unless one is aware that they are using a strawman (ie arguing

Right, but you're deluded. You're seeing things that aren't there. So perhaps it's more likely that you are unable to comprehend intelligible posts, than the posts being unintelligible.

You're saying I'm responsible for your comments? That's as silly as Bernie being responsible for the guy who shot people.

I'd have to be psychic to know what's going on in the head of the average crackpot (you). You all have different sets of crackpot beliefs you subscribe to, it's almost like there's a personalized set for everyone to pick and choose from, in order to form whatever warped worldview they want to think exists. It's the

Well that's because Bernie's base, like Trump's, consists of people who belong in an insane asylum. The Democrats were competent enough to make sure a crackpot wouldn't represent the party, the Republicans, not so much. Anyway, studies have shown that the amount of crackpot junk on the internet from pro-Trump sources

BTW: it's not irony, it's just desserts. Irony is when its raining and you say "nice weather we're having!" I know, irony doesnt seem very ironic…

Never saw Bernie release crazy propaganda about molesters at pizza restaurants, either! Brietbart and Infowars, on the other hand…

But it is sort of like taking a gun to a pizza restaurant and trying to kill people there, isnt it?

And besides, he's D-list famous, so he is at least entitled to a mate who is much more attractive than him, according to the Rules of Celebrity.

The lyrics are pretty clear about the author being profoundly confused. The subject of the song keeps yelling "at the top of (her) lungs" an announcement to the world that she is ignorant. That's supposed to be empowering?