Calvinballer- The score is still Q to 12

Its Metacritic score for critics was at 75. The average rating on Rotten Tomatoes was 7.67/10. That’s pretty middling.

My sense is that this has very little to do with the quality of the show, and everything to do with Disney positioning itself as Netflix’s new biggest competitor, with the Marvel brands as one of its biggest weapons to pry viewers away.

Calvinballer - great name!!

Pelosi: “She’s too old, her time has passed!”
Lee: “Fuck ageism!”

Who the fuck still watches this show other than 12 year old boys, shut-ins and meth heads?

Hey Pennies: Do you have a PhD in Psychology? If so, thanks for the info on mis and over diagnosing anxiety. If not, you and the non-doctors on the South Park writing staff can STFU.

And Splinter’s writers are notorious for suggesting black pols are somehow dumb, Clinton/Obama supporters, and not true progressives. BLACK FOLKS BUILT THIS GODDAMN COUNTRY FOR FREE!

The ad I got on the side while reading this article looks like something they’d wear in this movie...

They will never acknowledge that, because I don’t even think the writers understand it.

That’s being saved for “Yahoo Answers: The Movie”

Exactly. Can someone give us a legit take on Baum’s Oz?

I still lament the Jump Street/MiB crossover falling apart. After lampooning remakes, then sequels, so effectively, I wanted to see what they’d do with the shared universe fad.

Make the ultimate Hellboy... by making it less like the comics, and chase that grim-dark edgelord crowd..

Ah fuck I’m on board for del Toro doing any of these. I would love to read that Pacific rim 2 screenplay.

So interesting how many people here in the comments want to drag Rose Byrne for working with Marky McHatecrime yet didn’t have have a goddamn word to say to Will Ferrell after THREE Daddy’s Home movies.

That Dr. Mrs. the Monarch looks great but I still think my partner, daughter and I killed it. Obviously I’m bias tho lol.

Excuse me that’s Dr. Mrs. The Monarch.

Yay for Left Shark!

I'd watch that