I feel like Stone and Parker might have had a point, if they hadn’t licensed their show out as a mobile game already last year.
I feel like Stone and Parker might have had a point, if they hadn’t licensed their show out as a mobile game already last year.
“When your wrongthink gets you more followers than your GDQ run would have got,” he said.
due to the unfortunate reality of our guitarist fucking my girlfriend of almost 7 years ...
Silk is what happens when some dudebro at Marvel has the GREAT IDEA of “What if there was a spider-girl out there and every time she and Peter got near each other, all they wanted to do was FUUUUUUUUUCK? Like, other people have to peel them off of each other to prevent So Much Fucking!” And someone in a management…
This all just sounds so incredibly... banal. Like, “Let’s reduce this unique character into just one of the genres that inspired him and ignore everything else, oh and throw some extra Grimdark in there for good measure just to put the whole entire stamp of mediocrity all over this project.”
This feels like a not-at-all subtle shot against The Simpsons, which recently spent an episode mocking “recappers” who give letter grades to television shows, aka the AV Club business model.
That henchman is adorable!
Meh, no one is “owed” donor dollars, and donors can decide on any number of reasons to support or not support a candidate. But there is actual credence to the claim that Gillibrand did the GOP’s work for them by running Franken out of town before due process could even get its boots tied on. And where did Franken’s…
Part of the responsibility for C.K.’s comeback, according to Byrne, rests with powerful—albeit mysterious in the context of the interview—gatekeepers
And if I flatter us (and myself) to think that the A.V. Club isn’t necessarily the sort of clickbait (or “swiperag,” in Eichner’s lingo) recapping site the show is going after here, the jokes occasionally have the authentic ring of industry familiarity, at least.
Refugees and immigrants are not the same thing, so don’t get more confused than you clearly already are. And Scottish immigration policy is dictated by British immigration policy, and you would have to be daft to look at the Brexit vote and then try to claim that Britain is overall welcoming to immigrants. Just don’t…
Back to the Future: Bury the Past, Kill It If You Have To
And they say that there are no good roles for old sharks in Hollywood.
Ha, the OG “Bronies.”
Not one more dollar.
Except on Doctor Who, “timey-wimey” isn’t a well-crafted joke used to explain something relevant to the story like it is on The Good Place. It’s a hand-wave plot-hole fix to cover for terrible scripting, like almost all Doctor Who content.
You ever try carrying a box of books? It’s a workout, for sure.
I’ll wait for it to hit Netflix, maybe. “SyFy” is dead to me, because they cancelled Farscape.
Future Man is one of those rare shows that transcends a potentially gimmicky premise to do some truly amazing comedy. Definitely looking forward to seeing what they do in Season 2.
Maybe a role in GLOW’s upcoming third season is also in the cards?