Bryan Singer directed two very good X-Men movies, so we know that he knew how to make a superhero movie.
Bryan Singer directed two very good X-Men movies, so we know that he knew how to make a superhero movie.
So he out-Millered Miller himself, huh? Somewhat impressive, although still disgusting.
Dude, did you even see A3? Tony and Pepper are most certainly not married at the end of it. He’s not even on Earth!
Sherlock Data or GTFO
I don’t think they can kill both Tony Stark and Steve Rogers at this point. One has to survive, even if they go into retirement afterwards somehow. I’d personally love to see Riri Williams brought to live-action as the legitimate Iron Heir. Rhodey is fine as War Machine, but he’s wearing tech built by someone else and…
Usually they leave it to Splinter to smear Democrats like that.
Sorry, but there is no scenario in which “I have video evidence of this claim I’m making but I won’t show it to anyone because reasons” can increase anyone’s credibility. What? The video is conveniently lost? And it’s not your first priority to find it so that you can genuinely prove the claim you’ve made? That’s…
and one more way Star Wars is continuing to try to distance itself from the old “All Jedi, all the time” ethos that dominated it for so long.
They are the dominant species of the planet Mandalore. That makes them Mandalorians.
My alternate response would have been, “No, she has Jordan Peele’s burgeoning movie career to fall back on. LOL”
Complete vindication for Clayne Crawford, basically. Without the scapegoat of a younger, less “connected” actor to shift the blame onto, all of Wayans’ egotistical bullshit was center-spotlight.
Her “disappearance” was maternity leave, so she’s got at least one young child at the moment. But she’s also involved in two current movie productions, so maybe it’s just work-life balance.
Changes to things that I like are often bad. This is not. Turns out that the “human embodiment of the 100 emoji” is actually really annoying and difficult to make into a sympathetic character due to her opposite-of-charming narcissism.
Indiana Jones and Please Just Stop
while Solo’s Jonathan Kasdan has blessedly taken over scripting duties
Famous college dropout turns out to be ridiculously stupid. Who could have imagined??
Like, fuck, are we just going to be stuck watching the same three franchises get remade over and over and over? There are literally dozens of cinematic-universe-ready book series out there that deserve this adaption way more than the fucking Narnia stories. The cynic in me sees Netflix trying to chase the Christian…
Yeah, just recently, one of the X-books took us to an alternate future that included the aged versions of the “young X-Men” that were brought forward in time as teenagers. It’s a fucking mess of time travel nonsense, at this point. What Marvel needs is a serial killer villain who only murders people with time…
One business strategy both companies adopted
You do not recall correctly. She “dies” in The Shadow Rising, Book 4, and doesn’t re-appear until The Knife of Dreams, Book 11.