Calvinballer- The score is still Q to 12

Do you know what Michael Moore would be up to under a Clinton administration? Absolutely nothing. (Bagging groceries at a Whole Foods, preferably.) He didn’t “predict” Trump; he was rooting for him! He made a “pro-Clinton” documentary in which he compared voting for her as “breaking a promise. Wow, with endorsements

That kind of insecurity at that level of “success” is purely based on the knowledge of the illicit methods used to achieve it.

Everyone on this show looks like they’re blushing all the time. It’s weird, isn’t it?

When you lay down with fascist Putin supporters, you’re bound to get Russian intelligence poisoning. 

Sounds like evidence for an emancipation declaration. lol

Being successful isn’t an antidote to stupidity. See: Elon Musk. 

What if cabbage guy never got his cart overturned?

Yeah, OK, sure, but that doesn’t change the fact that they get listed under “Netflix Original,” does it? Like any other network, Netflix takes credit whether they directly produced it or not. 

Death Note. Bleach. Fullmetal Alchemist. 

The Young Avatar Roku Chronicles! Seriously, though, that would be the best opportunity to show a “balanced” bender world, pre-Fire Nation aggression.

I don’t understand the point. Is it a live-action shot-for-shot remake? Same stories, same characters, same plotlines? We already know how that story ends.

Vote with your dollars and comments, and eventually he’ll be unmarketable. 

Based on the picture, I’m assuming Eminem is mad that someone cloned him?

Assuming that their real ages are their character ages in the movie, and factoring in that they have a teenage daughter together (estimated age: 16), they’ve been together since he was 42 and she was 26. It’s exactly that trope, and that was my point.

Sean Penn: 58

It’s worth pointing out that Ron apparently had at least one brother (or possibly several cousins or nephews) that could share the same surname.

My one county in NJ has more people in it than Vermont, and it infinitely more diverse. Bernie can fuck right off. 

The Justice Democrats are funded by the Young Turks who are funded by Republicans like Buddy Roemer and a $20 million Wall Street hedge fund investment. Their goal is to attack Democrats and elect Republicans.

Yeah, I’m beyond tired of having “liberal” thrown at me like a curse word by progressives and conservatives. The Horseshoe Theory of Politics is real and true.

Funny how “wage slave” comes out as “anyone not being paid $80k per year to write one blog post a day for Splinter.”