Calvin Chou

I 100% agree with Ebert. Most of the movies I saw in 3D didnt add anything to the experience.

The apps are not cheap either. When iPhone have a bazillion $0.99 apps and the cheapest BB app is around 3-4 dollars its easy to see why no one is buying them.

@aec007: at this stage I think the UN is losing all credibility. Look at Libya they had Libya on 5 UN councils include womens rights.

@shamowfski: During WWII many companies that we know of today worked with the Nazi, VW comes to mind. True its part of their history but they have move past it and proven to be a global partner in many positive endeavors.

I was going to write a serious parenting post until I realized this was tongue in cheek. whew!

Parents are whipped if they blow $3000 on a dress, I got a pen for graduating tech college. My parents spent the money on crazy things like, food, clothes, and paying the bill.

great idea but it really needs a plyer and a bit driver.

He must be pretty ballsy to wear that shirt to school. On the other hand I bet most kids wouldnt have a clue what it meant.

lol yeah on a busy weekend round, pull this out and start looking for balls and see how long before the other golfs sic the Marshall on you.

How about you dont text at all when the movie is on? Its only for 1 1/2 hours or maybe 2 for the epic movies. I do phone checks to make sure the babysitter didnt called but they are quick and low key. Your here for the movie, if you want to text go to Starbucks.

I guess talking and saying "Im in the mood" is dead, go figure.

Ok I refuse to watch this but I have to ask, what is the dad doing? As a father I would have serious issues if my wife wanted to do this.

umm could you not by clothing that fits properly?

That may be true but the quality is better. Superstore's produce it terrible.

Thats such an old design, there are far better openers on the market. At least copy the Houdini Rabbit Corkscrew or something.

not to belittle the situation, but people lie all the time on dating sites, and well the internet. It would be almost impossible to have sites screen people, it would take forever and they would have to hire a small army to screen every person that opens a profile. It is a warning sign to others that they really

Seriously this warranted an article? Putting clothes on a coat hanger. Come on Lifehacker.

This is pretty common. Both my kids attend the same preschool, the people there escort the kids the bathroom and wait till they are done. Their job is not to wipe bums or make sure the kid can pee. i dont know what the big deal is about this. Another classic case of the media making a big deal of out nothing.

I am the youngest of 3 sons. Both my parents worked multiple jobs, very common story for immigrants. They didnt push me to excel but both my older brothers were really good at school so at a young age I knew I had to keep up with them. It was expected of me to do well in school. For example when I had friends who