
Ah the liberals, don’t care if you kill your fetus but don’t you dare tear gas a bunch of people storming the border. That right because even though these same laws and tactics existed under Clinton, Bush, Obama etc they just cant stand Trump (for good reason) and that makes these immigrants important to them for now. 

Why is having carpet a reason to update resume?

Why is having carpet a reason to update resume?

Why do you keep pushing the victim narrative, it has not improved the lives of minorities anywhere the last 30 years. As a “white” person me hating OJ has nothing to do with the color of his skin or that of his victim. Its that a man can kill people and not feel an ounce of remorse, he can laugh about it and get away

Keep pushing that victim narrative! It clearly has done wonders for minorities so far.

Yeah me too, i am picking up my new Iphone X this morning but i am a little weary of not having the home button. I know I will get used to it but it seems like a lot of extra steps now to do stuff.