
Ah the liberals, don’t care if you kill your fetus but don’t you dare tear gas a bunch of people storming the border. That right because even though these same laws and tactics existed under Clinton, Bush, Obama etc they just cant stand Trump (for good reason) and that makes these immigrants important to them for now. 

Why is having carpet a reason to update resume?

Why is having carpet a reason to update resume?

Ah the hypocrites are out today, someone cant choose to not vaccinate there child but they can choose to kill it in the womb. News flash, having sex and the result of getting pregnant is a choice (except in less than 8 percent of cases). Pro life is not anti choice, its about giving every human or fetus or whatever

If you do not live in Seattle you really have no leg to stand on with all the complaints. This has nothing to do with what the tax will go to, it has to do with the city of seattle taxing everyone, and everything to push an agenda most people do not want. Sugar tax, per mile driven tax, gas tax, increase in tab,

Huh, so its ok to censor something if you dont agree with it? That sounds exactly like a bigot to me. Whether you agree with Christianity or not, censorship should not be celebrated. Lets censor out all books on evolution or big bang theory, because hey they have made some great art but the science behind it is

Why do you keep pushing the victim narrative, it has not improved the lives of minorities anywhere the last 30 years. As a “white” person me hating OJ has nothing to do with the color of his skin or that of his victim. Its that a man can kill people and not feel an ounce of remorse, he can laugh about it and get away

Keep pushing that victim narrative! It clearly has done wonders for minorities so far.

Considering there is a link between Porn and sex/human trafficking. I would take a guess that a large portion of their videos are non consensual. Seems like a big double standard.  

Yeah me too, i am picking up my new Iphone X this morning but i am a little weary of not having the home button. I know I will get used to it but it seems like a lot of extra steps now to do stuff.

You mentioned the real reason in your first sentence. Aside from a few exclusives. Those exclusives were hands down the best games of the year. I can get past all of the other stuff like, not having 4k and sucky controller for an amazing game.

So since they froze there does that mean the glacier was that small to begin with? Did they recede deep into the glacier only to be found now?

How is that any different than any other sector of business. There were hiring freezes with all presidents. And there will be with the next one. The fact that people do not realize how businesses run astounds me. Hiring freezes are common place until the new CEO or president can wrap his brain around what the heck is

They can name it what they want but we will all call it and know it as Boaty McBoatface. Good try UK

I blame the republicans as much as anyone else, both parties are responsible and the Media doesnt help at all either. As far as passing the buck, Trump made the call to do the misson, but it was developed by Obamas team, that has been verified by all media outlets. It isnt obamas fault though anymore than it is

So out of all that was said and done last night you take this from it. This is why he won. For to long the party lines have been raking each other over the coals to only further themselves. A president gives a speech full of unity and trying to overcome the hate. He presents one of the most moving moments i can