
The UK is not the US.

I don’t blame Italy or Greece for their porous borders. This is one of the tangible weakness of the EU. This is an EU problem and obviously requires EU border controls. The current controls are ineffective and it isn’t clear that all of the members see it as a problem. I imagine they do now.

It must be true then, because most of the world is just like America.

This is pretty much exclusively an American chant.

No. You have no idea what you are looking at. People of colour in the UK have a profoundly different view of themselves and things in general than where you are from. Your entire being is wrapped up in you colour. Not so much over here. It’s more about culture and shared values.

How do you explain Calais?

Well put sir.

I’m going with a connection between the cyclist (somebody’s relative) and the police, or jealousy/revenge by somebody with the police relating to someone in the group. You read it here first.