Calum Offswitch Hay

And so did everybopdy else apparently.

I read 'what happened to Applebee's' in Homer Simpson's voice.

OMG it's like in Friends. The moment there is no chemistry on stage; they're really fucking. Joey was right.

All my relationships are strictly mono-d'oh.

This made me an ungodly amount of happy.

I have wanted to see that movie since it came out but I haven't. I contributed to this conversation.

Is that the one with the sexy terminators? No, that's T2.

Living in constant anticipation of the Lord of the Ring movies but never seeing them? What is fucking wrong with you?

Trump vs O'Reilly. Who ever wins, we lose.

I live near the golf course but have no gophers. Send some in the post.

Not at all my Hindu friend!

The rake scene where the Simpsons do a family guy better than family guy ever could.

No Muppets or Lego movie? Much better and funnier than that piece of shit step brothers.

Is all this incest why he got a Star Wars gig?

This film I watched once as a child and I think I'm still too scared to rewatch it. Though I remember quite liking it.