Calum Neil Ryan

Goodnight Mommy was just okay I thought.

Shoulda watched the empire strikes back on then.

So you guys subscribe to the myth that stormtroopers can't hit anything, huh?

I think they do allude to sex in that movie, now that you mention it.

They talked about it on "How Did This Get Made", I didn't know it was on netflix so (smile face)

All you need to know about a stove is lifter, leg and poker.

My dad sings in a choir and I had to get some air when this song came on. I cannot stand it even though I've never paid any attention to the lyrics. It's just so!

Maybe 'Wookiee' is like saying Jewish?

A romance between qui-gon and obi wan? This is the single stupidest thing I've ever read.

There's a newswire piece that came out today that makes fun of george lucas and the prequels a bit.

You guys have really taken it upon yourselves this week to defend the prequel trilogy and George Lucas. It's kind of admirable in a stupid, pointless, downright worthless way.

The actor who played Wedge was Ewan MacGregor's uncle. He's the one who inspired him to be an actor in the first place.

The most romantic moment isn't when Han says "I know", thats just a memorable moment. And "How Rude" is a Stephanie Tanner catchphrase, though the twins may have uttered it occasionally in an ironic way to Stephanie.

Makes me wonder if the last guy accepted. I know I would have definitely had some.

Chewie's real son's name is Lumpawarrump.

In game appearances? they're in the entire video.

*GASP* is that a question mark??

You probably could have kept the fact that you gasped at a different title card to yourself.

I read it was actually the little kid's idea to wiggle his finger when 'Tony' was talking.

You guys keep using the word alacrity. are you trying to make it a thing?