
Um…that was 13 years ago and he was long ago cleared of all charges. And NOW you want to boycott him?

She mentions the show a lot on her twitter and occasionally posts pictures of reunions with the cast when she sees them. Just about 2 weeks ago she probably posted a good 5 gifs of Buffy. I think she is very proud of the show.

His wife? He isn't married. He and Amber dated but they have long broken up.

She left Grey's in 2013 and this filmed in late 2015 so I doubt this was why she left.

Is Mindy Project STILL regular coverage? There was no review for last weeks episode.

God I love this Greg reference. *high five*

Boo! (Thanks for letting me know though!)

Did AV Club stop covering this? Last weeks review never showed up.

PIR has been around since 1956. Yeah. Beloved.

No! I adored him and Barbara Stewart when they were on Match Game and Tattletales. So sad!

In what world was Belle Gaston's girlfriend? Only in his head! She wanted nothing to do with him.

Hulu has it. At least I know Hulu plus does.

What I am trying to say is….Hairspray has been around, and legendary, since 1988. It's prime material for why they are doing this (your words) I am well aware of both movies.

Wait…what? It was on Broadway in 2002. The film came out in 1988. I am so confused!

The original Film came out in 1988. Dude, it's almost 30 years old at this point.

*ahem* That's not Bennett

You got that he wanted to rape her? Seemed to me he was using the banana as a stand in to see if the plastic wrap would be a viable solution on his own penis.

MA girl here. Gonna actually order some Papa's tonight!

Gonna be the voice of unpopular opinion: I love Episodes and am sad to hear this news, Carol was/is the shit and Matt was amazeballs on this show. I shall miss it. It always made me laugh.

He won a GG for Episodes and was nominated multiple times for the Emmy for it. It was legit critically acclaimed.