This legitimately may be my favorite new feature in Super Mario Maker 2. It’s amazing how much more professional a level can feel when the screen stops scrolling where you want it to.
This legitimately may be my favorite new feature in Super Mario Maker 2. It’s amazing how much more professional a level can feel when the screen stops scrolling where you want it to.
The fuck does the patriarchy have to do with this?
I just find EVERYTHING offensive
when you completely miss the point on purpose
The models bouncing around and slapping ass was pretty cringe, but pausing for an extended period on a frame that looks like a sex move is just too much. So much for that “less sexualized” claim they made.
Haha can’t wait for all the blood and gore of MK 11!
It crushes so hard. Using it ‘till they nerf it, then I’ll probably keep using it out of habit
Ha. I don’t mind the dogs. As long as I keep my shield up, they just bounce off and then I own them.
Yeah, they’re bad. I’ve gotten to where I can handle them one-on-one but the shitty thing is how they always roll in pairs. And their sword art attacks! Goodbye, three quarters of my health bar.
Yeah, they’re bad and I hate them. Though I almost always turn them into a pincushion at range.
They have a ridiculously slow recovery animation if you ping them in the head with an arrow, and they stagger from heavy hits. If you’ve got enough stamina you can essentially stunlock them enough to put them in the ground, Bloodborne style. Fire works well too.
I think the better question is....why the fuck are PS4 saves huge to begin with?