
I’m glad you pointed to the Bin Laden/Al Qaeda similarity. I was thinking it sounded like the same thing - train and arm a paramilitary fighting force and then ditch’em when they’re no longer convenient. Yet another group to hold a grudge against the US, and have detailed recent history to indoctrinate initiates.

I was against Biden entering the primary. Now I’m glad he jumped in. Not because I want him to win, but because if he weren’t running Trump may not have run his mouth and incriminated himself. Hopefully Joe’s only a spoiler for the opposition.

The core never roots in a black hole?

My thoughts exactly. Just paying a software engineer to add that functionality is simultaneously more cost effective and better for marketing.  It’s a slam dunk, but the CEO decided to eat the rim on principle.

Doctor #10 holds a controlling interest in “Mr. Socko’s noggin-bashin mallets”, but that’s just because he knows a quality product when he sees it.

I wish I still had my “party animal” card from college.  ‘Course, things seemed to be less rape-y back then.  Maybe it’s better off in whatever recycled plastic it found its way into.

No baby, slower. Do it slow.”

Empowering reverse-Oedipal complex to effectuate actualization of life architecting execution.  With synergy, natch.

Donald Trump Sr., Robespierre, and one of the fetuses Trump almost certainly paid to have aborted.

I wish I were being flippant, but to be realistic the only thing you can personally do is arm yourself.

Despite not having children yet, this is a very Mom response from AOC.  Allow their voice to be heard, de-escalate, and everyone still gets pudding.  Bravo Congresswoman.  Well handled.

They don’t like the Democrats because of the death machines.  You can’t make healthcare affordable for everyone unless you grind up elderly people and use the slurry to make pills.

Maybe the new tactic is to make the articles of impeachment so long they won’t be able to read through it all until after the election.

Utterly tone deaf.

It’s not a job. Did you miss the part where he’s looking for a new apartment because he can’t afford his current one?

Trump’s brilliant three-point plan to turn this all around.

A voting cap is not a bad idea.  There need to be guarantees in place to ensure the elderly get what they paid for all those years, but they really shouldn’t be deciding the future of the country.  They won’t be in it.

That message is not to Adam Schiff.  It’s to his base.  He’s hoping one of them takes up the call to arms and starts something to make the impeachment go away.

Kim Jong Un gave him a seriously dumbfounded look at their first meeting.  Even he was like “Is... is this guy for real?”

A prescient precedent for decedent presidents.