
“Digital financial technologies - new opportunities for integrating payment systems of the Eurasian continent in transport Logistics.”

The Deep State is REALLY Deep, I guess. So deep that even the most powerful intelligence apparatus on Earth gets all confuzzled when they try to give him the information he requires. Fox News knows, though! The Deep State cannot defeat a nice set of breasts in a tight sweater attached to a blonde head.

Wohl strikes me as the type of guy who likes to drink his soda warm. Because it makes him “sophisticated”.

Even if I knew the identity and thought they were acting in good faith, I’d want to see that cash up front.  Wohl would probably try to pay it out in monopoly money with his own face on it.

I am genuinely curious to know what possible detail could come out to flip Rudy into a hero. The story appears to be that he suggested and maybe even convinced Trump to get dirt on Biden from Ukraine. That’s not a good thing unless (sorry Space Emporer, if you read this) Biden is some sort of evil supergenius whose

That sounds too sophisticated for Trump. I read it as trying to draw equivalence. “If you’re going to investigate me, why not investigate Pence? Why not Melania? Why not Donald Duck?” He’s trying to imply innocence by pointing at a random target.

Thanks Ugh. There’s been a question burning in my mind that maybe you can answer. How do you put mustard on a hot dog?

That’s not true.  They did muster talking points, which they then forwarded directly to House Democrats.

Shouldn’t the media just collectively refuse to cover anything Lewandowski says?  He’s already admitted he lies to them.  There’s not even a facade of integrity.

President Zelensky wasn’t in the room either.  WTF kind of rationale is that?  Are they trying to imply it was all a big practical joke because Trump had his fingers crossed or was wearing underpants on his head?

Do you begin the segment with something like

the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election

President Pence will anoint them with holy mayonnaise.

Wow!  Sounds like she was working through her summer vacation.

the complaint cited “multiple actions”

Wwwwwow.  That is an old bit.  Guess he’s trying to cinch in the boomer vote.  Expect him to pivot to some ninja turtle “Cowabunga!” shenanigans to reel in Gen X.

They’re still using dot matrix printers. It was Bolton’s turn to buy ribbons, and now the schedule’s all messed up. They’ll have it to you by Christmas, they swear!

If you can run fast enough, you just need to trace the series of tubes and hack it off with a machete.  Then the emails spill all over the ground.

The moments right before a seig heil?

If you’re interested in fighting games at all the best way to get into it is to play with friends of similar skill (or lack thereof). I feel like I was pretty good at SF2 and the original Mortal Kombat in the arcades. I could at least keep a quarter going for 10-15 min. Any time I try online these days I just get