
As a fellow Michigander, is there anything we can do to stop him from putzing around the cherished island in a Suburban? “No cars” is a THING there. It’s a pretty big feature. If he’s going to come at all, why can’t he get with the program and ride a bike? A TANDEM bike! Mother would love it!

I get that the President making promises to world leaders is a big cause for concern, but it’s Trump. He lies about everything. I could easily see it being a “yeah yeah, it’s a done deal” type of communication rather than a “I promise I will do this thing for you” one.

Boris Johnson, in a shady back alley in New York, his “hair guy”.

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If one president can declare an emergency about too many people crossing the border and spend billions on a wall that won’t work and detention policies that border on crimes against humanity, the next president can declare one against the opioid crisis, limited access

I didn’t eat any humans today.  I want a cookie.

Going rate for a lap dance from the First Lady.

You also tend to hear concerns about how a college professor like Warren would perform on a debate stage with the likes of Trump

That is one stern looking young lady. Only a kid who’s seen their future could look that pissed.

You don’t, and perhaps never did. There’s a lot of people - particularly young ones - who live and die by what their idols do and say. As unfortunate as it is, their opinion matters to national politics unless they make a point to stay out of it.

The Republicans were a mess coming into the 2016 primaries, with a president who inspired strong feelings of hate in the Republican base. It worked out ok for them.

If Trump has shown us anything, it’s that you can declare a national emergency over nothing and spend whatever you want by taking it from wherever you want, and Congress will do fuck-all about it.

will that hold once they face off in debates?

Lewandowski 2020 - I don’t just lie to the camera, I can lie to everyone!

And here I thought we were finally moving past the “Look at my penis!” phase of social development.  Oh, well.

Gee, I don’t know.  Let me go ask Hillary Clinton.

Lesson learned.  Do not be glib with Trump. He totally won’t get it.

Before I read the update, I figured maybe Mattis thought that was the best excuse to give Trump.  He doesn’t really do nuance, so telling him about the fragile balance of power in the Middle East and warring factions and terrorism sponsors would go right over his head.  “We’re out of bullets” is Trump-level logic.

Ben’s trying to broaden his media exposure.  He wants people to describe Kavanaugh’s genitals because they happen to look just like him.

Didn’t we just beef up the military budget again by something like $700B?  And Trump is out there claiming in public that no one has every been more ready for war in the history of... all histories.

If we lose the Dreaded Rear Admiral, no one will be guarding our flanks.