
I don’t even understand his original point. He’s saying that national brands sell well, so college educated city dwellers who drink imported beer are... invalid? Different? “Other”?

Are you saying you could stick it up your butt?  It sounds like you’re saying people stick them up their butts.

Congress is one of the least popular institutions in the country, so if we can apply the inverse, we should totally legalize forcible senatorial groin trauma.

Self destruct mechanisms, Predator-style.

I don’t buy that these are “sick people”. At least not in the way Mulvaney (and presumably POTUS) means it. They don’t have a psychiatric disorder that could be treatable. They’re just angry, full of hate, and willing to kill.

I really latched on to Tyson when he did Cosmos a few years back. Ever since his tweets and general presence have ranged from condescending prattle to annoying pedantry. This one was just horrible. I’m unfollowing him. He’s no longer worth listening to.

You’re such a fool.  If you haven’t converted to precious stones and metals by now your going to have to supplement your cabbage stew with sawdust.

I’m worried they’re going to bring their “hunting rifles” into the city and let off some steam.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from every financial adviser I’ve ever met, it’s to always bet on black let it ride.

Sure you can.  It’s just not productive to do so.  If we could make it fun, we could try to convince all the would-be shooters to go to the ocean and shoot it instead.  Then we feed them to sharks.

Harass, yes. Threaten, no, but only technically.  There’s so many considerations and after that it’s still up to the judge.  There’s a lot less legal recourse than I thought there was.

No, but it’s not a conservative thing, either. It’s a crazy person thing.

There are a lot of troubled kids like this who don’t become murderers. Some of them are just whiny edgelords who grow out of it when they change their environment or find a hobby. A few go down this path.

This must be that Republican “humor” we hear so much about. Raping your fellow congresspeople and wishing death on your opponents is so funny! I mean, funny-ish. Sarcastic? Uh... you had to be there?

The ropes and torches would be out.

Maybe they have a point.  I was playing “Injustice 2" this morning.  At work an undergrad started pelting me with questions immediately after I walked in, and I threw him into the sun.

He was racist before racist was cool. Sounds like a hipster.

Someone has to, otherwise no one gets lonely.

The dangerous young white male racists are the ones with the guns capable of mowing down a mob.  We either need to designate officials to handle it or arm up to fight fire with fire.  Can’t stop bullets from an AR-15 with compassion and empathy.

They care when it’s one of theirs.  Then they go full martyr to push an even more regressive agenda.