“I’ve had so many people come to me”
“I’ve had so many people come to me”
Indeed. With this administration the term has been so badly mangled it is completely unrecognizable.
Honorable Friends in Japan,
“It’s not particular new news, so I don’t know,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein
I think Sanders should get a going away party, so long as they get Michelle Wolf to MC.
He said he’s an extremely stable genius. I don’t know why you’d doubt the word of a man that lies constantly about everything. I think that’s on you.
He says STDs were his personal Vietnam. It’s tough to keep dodging those bullets if you can’t seem to keep you dick in your pants around women who want none of it.
“I don’t believe the allegations”.
While Trump has had a role in the rise of the MeToo movement, I could imagine a world in which all of his accusers kept quiet about their assaults and it caught steam even without this particular odious freakshow.
Blobfish are perfectly adapted to their environment!
They could hardly do worse.
Boo! Get out of here with your reality!
If they can get this to pass I will devour my sour grapes. Wiping the slate clean for college grads would be an enormous economic asset. Suddenly all those fresh young careers can actually start planning, investing, and buying. It’ll be quite a boon to mental health in that generation as well. Living under crushing…
The 22 minute timer is curious. Is that a Heller-inspired doom scenario?
The wouldn’t leave them with much. Wine on Sunday and bacon on demand.
It’s when you don’t strike everything. You know. You put limits on it. As opposed to an unlimited strike, where you just push all the buttons and see what happens.
Yeah, but she’s doing out of love. Of money.
He has a Muslim friend!
I’m fearing boiled frog syndrome. Or maybe too many cries of Wolf. Threats of atrocity are so commonplace that it’s going to be a surprise when the bluff turns into action.
C’thulhu finds couch cushions unappetizing.