Man, these Mexicans are showing up everywhere. Now they’re taking jobs away from hardworking black gangbang workers.
Man, these Mexicans are showing up everywhere. Now they’re taking jobs away from hardworking black gangbang workers.
I sure picked the wrong time to be stuck on an airplane all day!
It’s worth remembering that porting isn’t just a process of dropping the game onto new hardware. The result largely comes down to a combination of the engine’s flexibility and the time and effort that’s put into the project.
and. no. deal. ever. will.
Only way I’d pay for this is if all the devs that worked on the first two chapters were brought in to work on the rest of the game, and paid the proper wages for that work.
Think you missed the part where they are hiring some former members of the team to help finish it. It doesn’t fix the situation with all 200 of course, but it’s better than nothing and I’m sure part of the reason for finishing it was to give some of the laid off employees at least some more work.
You know, it is possible to feel bad for the employees but still be happy the season gets finished. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
Samus is shown to be utilitarian, she attacked Zebes head on completely alone in power armor of alien design and minimal armaments with the full knowledge it was a space pirate stronghold and after accomplishing that task she returned to civilization... only to do exactly that again and again; no backup, minimal…
Ignoring Other M, Samus always seemed to be pretty pragmatic and removed to me. See a problem, deal with the problem. But then, her ship is also very personalized, being styled after her, which indicates significant investment, both personal and financial. I suspect Samus has a car enthusiast view of her craft. Most…
Spaceshippy McSpaceshippyface
I was excited, but sadly everything I’m reading about Team Sonic Racing makes Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Transformed seem like the better game in every single way. Every new idea is dull or a misstep, the roster has been drastically cut back, and it cannot possibly be as fun.
I understand that this is not the first Sonic Car Racing game and all but this always bugged me. Sonic and his friends are suppose to be really fast right? Why are they using cars?
What Sega needs to do is stop trying to force people to care about Sonic exclusively and accept that he is, in fact, one of many (damaged) Sega properties that people enjoy.
This seems so completely unnecessary to me... But while I was going to make a jab about how I can beat these games easily without dying a single time, I suddenly remembered that Ive been playing Mega Man games since there were only two of them. Ive had 30 years of practice. Of course i’m going to be incredibly good at…
I think that you’re the first person on the internet to ever say that.
It’s a great feature for when I want a more easy-going session, and it it does help mitigate a lot of the awful design choices in the first game. But I do wish there was a way to turn it off in the menu when I want to do a “proper” run.
I was in complete agreement until I read “flaming dogs in Mega Man 2". Those aren’t even that hard to get past :S
My first instinct was to say how unnecessary this was. Then I thought about it while reading and came to the conclusion that this doesn’t affect me at all so why not. Seems cool if you’ll use it.