Interrupti Baaaa

Ah I see! I missed the reference and so thought that you were being sincerely aggressive out of the blue, what with that shouty 'IDIOT'. My apologies for the misread then.

Well you're a world class tit — why on Earth would you sarcastically correct my grammar when you knew I was being sarcastic in using bad grammar in the first place? You're just being contrary and now aggressive for the sake of it.

Excellent sarcasm detection skills there, idiotking.

Check out the UK's Pointless if you're able to by the way, now that's a well done game show :P

Yeah I can see how the question format adds another risk factor to the game — it must be a big component of the show's success. Shame that they don't seem to use it properly, but ah well. Thanks for that ElectricSheep.

I get the simple premise — I remember that we played a version at uni actually — but it doesn't seem to ever be getting executed properly on the actual show.

I do hope that's a troll, but I've learned that Americans tend to know pretty much nothing about Scotland and the UK (whereas we know tons about the US via TV) so who can say.

So, I'm Scottish and I hadn't ever seen Jeopardy before, until watching that clip there.

Your joke against Android users is a load of Hodor, I say.

Chris is from Ireland, not the UK! As in, he's not from Northern Ireland, the smaller part of geographical Ireland which IS part of the UK…