Callum Green

Why? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to me, and reeks of the now-common practice of deliberately attempting to get offended over something when you know full well that no offence was ever intended.

I'm quite possibly remembering it wrong, but at the time I interpreted it as him thinking Mike had turned into a threat to his safety?

I think you're reading way too much into a sitcom… Believing that Claire "outwardly despises" Alex is rather absurd!

Though in the universe they've created there isn't really the possibility for many major threats. Everything is inexplicably perfectly maintained and fully stocked and there are virtually no animals - you could be beyond all hope and still thrive!

I don't think we can say she was right yet. The guy had presumably known they were there for what must be weeks now, yet they didn't start sailing to shore with guns until Melissa shot the drone down. If they instead opened a line of communication maybe it would have all been peaceful.

What possible reason could they have for discussing dead children (either in the show or in real life)? Everyone is already aware the children all died.

Well we now know the answer.

I think having a secretly chipped person would be a logical strategy for such a powerful AI as the ultimate last resort. Though if it was anyone on the rig I'm sure she would have used it when she thought Luna was going to take the new AI.

You seem to think they're comparable acts? I'm not sure killing every human being on the planet and placing some of their minds into a digital cloud is really akin to attempting to force a pacifist to fight. Not least because they now have no option but to fight or be killed.

It probably would have been useful if the people who had been living in less-hostile territory impressed that point on them a little harder too… There's the odd throw away line like "the grounders aren't all the same", but I can't remember a single time where they had a serious discussion and emphasised that the Ice

Your mother was seriously concerned you might read something atheistic? It sounds like you're in some kind of cult!

I love the show but often forget it's on with the stupidly random scheduling. It starts weekly, then it randomly misses weeks, then it disappears for months, then comes back weekly, then takes a 3 week break, then weekly, now it's missing another week… Why are they doing this!?

Who says she doesn't now? Eight year olds (or however old she is) know more than people like to think…

What utter rubbish. It's specifically because Phil finds black women particularly attractive that makes it an issue. Though it clearly didn't turn out to be an issue at all anyway.

Why was it ignorant?

Nepotism in publicly traded companies and government is not a good thing, nepotism in family businesses is the norm. In fact, assuming the child is vaguely competent (which Claire clearly is, scenes of her being flustered and not having respect being largely irrelevant - she works there 60 hours a week, you've seen

Probably because none of us are into incest.

I wouldn't call it a comedy. And that's not me being arrogant saying it's not funny because it doesn't fit my sense of humour - I just don't recognise there being many jokes in there at all.

I think it's easy for people who are naturally good at languages (or have never tried so don't know just how hard it is to not only learn the words, but retain them) to dismiss things like that, but it's not always the case.

Fair enough. You will find some in university who don't drink but getting drunk is a pretty major part of life for young people (both in and out of college). It's fun and this is the best time of life to be able to "abuse" it yet still function properly!