Calls From The Public

Sorry, I actually didn’t get past the first sentence when you said “she went to Morocco.” How? How can someone be so overtly tone-deaf in this day and age where you can be the supportive daughter of one of the foremost divisive and racist characters in this new century, and then GO TO A COUNTRY FILLED WITH MUSLIMS,

Ive never seen someone's personality resemble their avatar so much

I can easily do yoga on my own at home. I pay to get instruction from teachers that push me to do more than I’d try on my own and coax me through challenging poses. (WITHOUT TOUCHING MY FUCKING GENITALS but that should be obvious). I also pay to do yoga in a beautiful, open studio that smells wonderful and has no

I guess in every sexual assault story there’s always one victim blaming asshole. Today, it was you!

This is quite a belittling comment. 

As a former yoga teacher and practitioner of 15 years, this story is disturbing and dismaying - but I find the headline sensationalistic. In the global yoga community we’ve had some horrible high-profile cases of (usually male) yoga teachers abusing their power, but saying sexual assault under the guise of

Bets on her changing her last name to Kushner or Mommy maiden name

Werid, this type of trip is normally something a first lady would do... oh nevermind.

That’s it though, they use tidbits of information without context or deep knowledge, but it’s exactly enough to give their supporters talking points. They are definitely being fed these too. It’s all so gross. 

Reading about the "diaper change" I'm really confused because how is that even an adjustment? In the classes I've been in, adjustments have consisted of slightly moving your shoulders or scooting your foot over a bit (and my instructors have always asked). The diaper change just sounds like dry humping.

Paying to take a yoga class is no different than paying to do CrossFit or <insert random exercise class>. While your intentions are good, this is a stupid take.

I want you to picture yourself as a Moroccan woman who has worked under dangerous conditions for years to fight for basic education and rights for women and girls and this blond bit of nothing shows up and you have to do this mummers play of obsequiousness. I’d go home and punch a wall down.  

I think you’ve got it.

It makes me laugh at how put-upon she sounds.

I’m curious about what specifically “doesn’t work” about consent cards in Kest’s case. Is it that when students are given the option they tend to be verbal about not wanting to be touched, as opposed to being able to take advantage of their silence?

OMG Ivanka! Lincoln picked the adversaries on PURPOSE because he wasn’t afraid of criticism and knew it was important to create unity and keep an eye on his enemies. How did she graduate from college? How are they all this dumb? Who is feeding her these tidbits about real presidents without explaining  the actual

“Abraham Lincoln was famously, even within his own Cabinet, surrounded by people who were former political adversaries.”

“she reiterated, “We stand by the transcript.””

To be fair, that's not her chin.

This entire family needs to be exiled. Sorry Barron, sorry Tiffany, you’re family’s track record leads me to believe that you are both likely horrible too and will be joining your family on Saint Helena Island for the rest of your days.