Calls From The Public

I think it could still be helpful, probably not for the kid in question, but maybe for other students who might see this and wonder why it was such a big deal. I think when I was in high school I would have known it was wrong but I probably did not know the history of it and WHY it was wrong. 

Mine is only 6 but I am really sick of hearing that as a defense. My kid is well aware of what is right and wrong, what he should and shouldn’t do and makes his decisions despite or because of these things. Ignorance is not an excuse and neither is a not “fully developed brain”. Whose brain is fully developed please

So I guess they don't want to use any of Kanye's 68 million tax refund for philanthropy. They didn't even want to spend a few grand to help the Chicago charity named after his mom. Giving money to those in need literally makes this family sick

So Marie Antoinette just needed to help out a few token people to save her neck from the guillotine?

Maybe it was the mention of Jameela Jamil, but this sounds like something from an episode of The Good Place. She’s doing something bad in order to (supposedly*) do something good.

Well, I can believe that they do probably have serious exercise routines - because they can afford expensive personal trainers and have oodles of time to be doing that, which makes keeping yourself in incredible shape a hell of a lot easier whether you’re getting some additional work done or not. 

Another way innovative to free up some cash would be to stop spending so much. Maybe you don’t need a different luxury car for every day of the month? She could probably cut her wig budget in half and be able to sponsor a dozen halfway houses

The other day when Kanye was lamenting the revealing nature of his wife’s clothing I was thinking, “Boy, you better not get on Al Gores internet or you will certainly be in for a surprise.”

“They’re all about getting women back on track.” Patriarchy at its finest. Unless you’re the correct weight, no matter what your accomplishments, you’re “off track.” 

Poor people give a much higher percentage of their income to charity than wealthy people do, so this is mostly unsurprising.

No it wasn’t, but that hardly matters. Specifics differ from state-to-state, but schools absolutely have the right (legally) to discipline students for behavior that happens outside of school or when school is not in session. We’re talking about a picture of a one of their students in full-on blackface and afro wig

I understand that racists create child racists. HOWEVER. I will NEVER UNDERSTAND how any member of Gen Z, growing up on social media, is somehow so unaware that their actions in public will be photographed and shared and posted. EVERYTHING YOU DO IS BEING RECORDED AND WILL COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU. How can you grow up

As opposed to white people trampling each other to death on, irony alert, Black Friday for a 55 inch Samsung. Overturning cars and looking like fools setting things on fire after one of your teams win a championship, starting fights at baseball games over a foul ball, committing mass shootings in church’s, nightclubs

Right. Now, this may come as a surprise to some, but there are actual, real live POC folk living in New Jersey. I say this to say, I don’t think diversity training is REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY gonna do much. Are we labouring under the premise that these kids didn’t know Black-Face is offensive and horrible? Like, maybe

You know how therapists and advice columnists tell people to say, “You’re hurting me. You’re causing me pain. Why are you offending me by saying terrible things to me?” in the hopes that the other person will understand their actions and stop? My sister will always say, “I’m telling you X because I want to hurt you.

Maybe diversity training should just be a part of the curriculum every fucking year and like all year long instead of just a reaction to a problem.  Clearly the ignorance training is ongoing so we must thwart it with equally ongoing diversity training. 

No, wearing blackface isn’t a crime. But it’s worth while for the cops to know who are the racist dumbfucks in the community, so they know where to start when the swastika graffiti shows up.  

So, like, this was your main take-away from this?

Racist kids have racist parents. It is known.

Surely you can include my tweet on my birthday: