Calls From The Public

Ivanka, no one needs to "invent" anything about your dad. Even he admits to the crimes he committed so....

Esther, it feels like everything is on borrowed time at this point, so I just wanted to say thanks for all your work here. Jezebel has been “my” corner of the internet for 8 years, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that there were some days when looking forward to reading Jez was the one thing I could bring myself


Ivanker and Don Jr. both self-owned. It’s like whatever defect they have is genetic...

I keep being puzzled by Trump’s insistence that people should read the transcript that pretty clearly confirms majority of the accusations. Also it is not a transcript, as was made clear by every reliable media institution that published the summary.

I'm disappointed with lack of sports content. 🙁

loosen up Megan & put out a little love to some of these unsung athletes

“Baseballl players have the most incredible butts—high, round, too big for most pants—which sit on top of their thicc-ass thighs like a beautiful Thanksgiving turkey or a honey-baked ham.”

Rugby league players for their thighs (their faces suffer somewhat due to the nature of the game)

Jezspin forever

I’m crying from laughter. This is excellent.

Is this a sports blog now? Two baseball posts already today? I am confused about the focus of this blog and, as such, will refuse to purchase items from its advertisers. Also, I really don’t appreciate the ads that suggest I am in the market for lady’s Depends, though I do admire the shade. 

I’d wear getting booed in the swamp as a badge of honor. If you’re pissing them off you’re doing something right!

I'm sorry, how do we know the crowd is 90% Democrat? And yeah, those tickets were probably $1k, but I bet there are some people in that crowd who probably ate nothing but ramen for three months so they could go to the World Series. And the majority of your dad's cabinet is made up of lobbyists.

Boo fucking hoo. If your ability to get off requires one or more parties to be unaware of what is happening to them or unable to stop what is happening to them, then maybe you need to be kink shamed.

Heh, did the dog do the cable management on that desk too?

“Look at this photograph. Every time I do it makes me laugh.” —Ancient Canadian proverb.

The fucking red cord just lying on top of things not connected to ANYTHING drives me nuts every time I see that picture. Just lying there. A 2 foot CAT5. Like would be used to connect the speakerphone. So they could hear, say, whimpering. They don’t do details well, these eejits.

I’d wear getting booed in the swamp as a badge of honor. If you’re pissing them off you’re doing something right!

God that “well if they’re pissed off I must be right” defence is overplayed by everyone these days. If you’re pissing most people off it’s a sign you’re probably just a shite candidate and should do everyone a favour and just piss the fuck off.