Calls From The Public

The crime visor is the rich lady teardrop tattoo.

My favourite part of the whole thing, that no one is talking about for some reason, is how it cuts from Kylie entering Stormi’s room from the outside to the camera being inside the room waiting for Kylie to enter. Its just way too funny. 

I wonder if her legal team are really this deluded, or they keep telling her this to reassure her, but whenever she’s out of earshot, they all scream “SHE IS SO FUCKED”

I was going to say, didn’t all those people plead out? If the people who accepted (in some form or other) some kind of responsibility are going to jail, Aunt Becky is gonna do time. There would be no point in anything else--those hundreds of other parents could rightfully argue they received too harsh a penalty if

I don’t know where TMZ is getting their information, but I would assume she’s going to serve time. There was another defendant who spent about the same amount of money as Loughlin did, but pleaded guilty recently. He was sentenced to something like four months.

When life gives you lemons, make an amateur porno starring your attractive daughter and a d-list brother of a b-list singer and release it to the world. 

I’m going to be royally pissed. As in “turning over cars and lighting dumpsters on fire” pissed. That being said, I’m pretty sure she’s going to jail. The feds have an 85% conviction rate. If they bring up charges, chances are VERY good they’ve got the receipts and you’re going down. That percentage rate probably goes

The extra charge is to get her to turn on Uncle Jesse, clearly the ringleader of a motorcycle gang smuggling cocaine across state lines inside guitar cases.

The first sentence says that more children are insured.  I thought the article was about how they are uninsured?

More and more children are insured, as states dick their parents around with

Can you guys please, please stop with the autoplaying videos on every article. I am so sick of hearing Meghan McCain for 5 seconds on every article as I scramble for the mute button.

What I don’t get is...why is he or people like him even there?

Jeff Imel kind of makes me sick. Yet another old rich white dude who, despite apparently dozens of letters over the years, said “meh” to the idea of gender inclusivity in his products vs. his bottom line, until the media caught wind of it. 

You misspelled 'absolutely awesome'. 

I long for a day when we’ll be able to have nice things again. Hopefully it won’t require a blood soaked revolution.

people are assholes, but white men seem absolutely determined to hang on to the title...

I saw the prototypes, and I have to say if the quality of the final product is similar these will be great. I make no judgement on whether this is glorifying the military or not, but the product itself is respectful and looks good without objectifying the subject.

Dickbags like this love to describe themselves as ‘Funny’ and whenever they say something douchey and people don’t react with laughter or godforbid, take issue with it, they get super defensive and snap “It’s just a joke!”

some human skin tag decided to interrupt her in the middle of a speech about gratitude, shouting “Take your top off,” with another adding, helpfully, “You cute, though.”