Calls From The Public

In college and my early 20s, I had some body dysmorphia. I remember whining to my friends about other people who I found exquisitely beautiful (this was a super annoying time to be friends with me) and, when my friends and I did some FB sleuthing, they really irritatedly pointed out that the people I found so

Last year someone here (PolicyChick) called these types of couples “Doppelbangers” and I have used that term ever since.

What she means is that she doesn’t like how obvious they are with their hatred since it seems kind of uncouth, but she sees how helpful they can be in a pinch for helping her get somewhere with her own hatred-based platform.

If the only places you’re finding a receptive audience for your ideology are where cancerous, racist, vile and evil violent sociopaths like white nationalists and other fascists congregate, then you have a cancerous, racist, vile and evil, violently sociopathic ideology.

And what did Parker Posie ever do to deserve having this troll co-opt her good name?

These are white women with hate in their heart joining up with white men with hate in their heart.

Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (better known as her pseudonym Posie Parker”

This is the thing I don’t get: You want your kid indoctrinated into your specific cult, why send them to a generalist when you have a specialist right there at your chosen church? If people are so set on pumping their kids full of their brand of Jesus, why risk putting them in a situation where they might learn to be,

“And let me say this to you — I thank God for slavery … If it wasn’t for slavery, I might be somewhere in Africa, worshipping a tree,” Daniels once told her congregation, according to reports.

Oh, world religion classes piss off that group. Just the idea that their kids should be told that muslims exist or what they believe is abhorrent to the group that really wants bible classes.

I’ll also say that they’re also not going to be happy even with a bible class because it’s not going to be taught in the way

they are pretty much the only group of people in these dark times that I can rely on to be the absolute best of us all.

Waiting for the Church of Satan to jump in and demand representation....

 Well, you know, lots of kids now pray in school.  So I guess it makes sense.  I mean they are praying not to get shot.  But still.

I really want to stress that I *hate* the concept of landlords (god even the title is evil) and do not jeer at anybody who has faced eviction. My family has been there, friends have been there, I myself had a landlord dissolve a lease due to late payments. I’m just *baffled* that this lady thinks it’s bc of her paint

Right, it’s super difficult to evict in Los Angeles. It sounds like the landlord is giving her a chance to vacate before starting eviction procedures, which sounds shitty but is also a little generous.

The crux is really buried in the story:
“she pays rent erratically, due to mental health struggles. In the past,

late rent payments are considered a breach of the lease contract. landlord can dissolve the lease/have evidence enough to secure an eviction. who does this moron think she is? like, it sucks and landlords should be abolished and I hate that anyone can be evicted girl, you’re not being unfairly evicted because

It’s not wrong, but the sad truth is most people don’t recognize things they don’t personally experience. For me I’m not going to get upset, because it’s a waste of my time. at least he realized it. 

JUST TO SAY IT - This woman used to have an Etsy shop that sold home decor, she was copying designs/names from other artists AND never shipped out lots of the stuff (I bought several pieces that never arrived). She kept saying she promised she was working on it and was so sorry and she was just overwhelmed but to my

His mind is going to get blown when he gets to Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears.

Hats fantastic that he finally figured it out.