Calls From The Public

So heartbreaking. My step mom is a school counselor in a place with a fairly bad opioid problem, and told me about a 5 year old kindergartner whose mother was an addict. The kid was so worried about leaving her alone home everyday that he’d make himself sick at school. He didn’t know the specifics, but knew something

Does anyone know if there are any characters that have parents in prison? I remember reading an article about “inappropriate” children’s books (some of which were in fact WILDLY inappropriate) but people were dragging a book about the night “daddy went to prison” which, at least to me, seemed like it could be a very

It still airs on PBS, there's just a nine month lag in the new episodes so the rich kids get the new episodes way before the lowly poor kids. 

No, because I would wager nearly every girl who read the note thought of a different boy.

Ehhhhh well, there are still a lot of things the school can do that isn’t punishing the person blowing the whistle here. Like, acknowledge that sexual assault happens but that the school’s hands are somewhat tied about what actions they can take when it comes to punishing individuals. Explain what the legal process

How do you change the topic from rape.

Definition: Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.

This stems from years of schools punishing both students whenever bullying takes place. Like if someone hits you and you hit back, now you’re both in trouble, because the school doesn’t want to take the time and effort to figure out the context or the power dynamics in play.

Wow... almost as if we DO live in a sexist, chauvinistic society, despite what naysayers may claim...

Seriously, I hope that badass not only appeals the suspension but bans together with some other students and sues the crap out of the school. Sounds like that “boys will be boys” bs mentality is alive and well there.

I think the point was that everyone reading it knows a rapist, since there have been multiple cases of assault (and just plain statistics).

Stop bullying the rapists. They’ll never make it to the Supreme Court if you keep bullying them about their raping.

This also feels like a natural consequence of changing the definition of bullying. It used to mean an action taken by someone with power over someone without power (the big strong bully over the weaker person, the popular kid over the less popular, etc.). Now bullying= being mean to someone. It wipes away the power

There is zero chance that there is not a rapist at that school.

You seem earnest enough so I’m going to ungrey your comment & respond.

Referring to is not the same as naming. She didn’t name anyone. Who, exactly, was bullied who is not also a rapist?

A dude felt bullied by a note calling out an unnamed rapist? Hmmmmmmm....


Why does it seem like, nowadays, the teenagers are reasonable and make sense and the adults don’t? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?

Makes total sense. Gotta protect a rapists feelings instead of their potential victims feelings.