Calls From The Public

Your Honor, let me speak to your manager.”

I hadn’t fully realized that, but now I want to do a set of the opposite, if I have to write the books myself. (They will be poorly written.)

In romance, specifically, readers know what they want and are voracious for more content, so there’s always a market for the next book in a series, or sub-genre, or the unexpected idea that took off (like how Outlander was unexpected because no one in publishing took a chance on WWII at the time). And publishing is

You just know....just KNOW....that one of the defense points for ol Bets is “I can’t go to jail because I am Betsy DeVos.”

“Are You There, God? It’s Me, Schadenfreude.”


Jail time at Club Fed does not scare these rich people.

And in historical fiction specifically, they’re both likely reading/visiting the same sources for research. Which, even if it doesn’t contain the exact same elements—like a black packhorse librarian—it can spark the same thought processes that might lead two different people to creating black packhorse librarians.

In this case at least Kim Richardson’s is a third or fourth book in a continuing line of “Appalachian stereotypes that are now novels” all of them have convoluted nonsense plots and portray Kentucky Appalachian populations as very stereotypical to ‘outsider’ accounts (Appalachia is myriad. Black, Melugion, etc

Yes, yes, but when will my trilogy about a woman with amnesia who’s also a werewolf in the zombie apocalypse take off?!!

So this explains the sudden hundreds of Amish romance novels, for instance?

Did anyone notice the trend of titling books with the “[Masculine profession]‘s [feminine relation].” Examples: The Hangman’s Daughter, THe Apothecary’s DAughter, The Merchant’s Daughter, The Doctor’s Wife, The Goldsmith’s Wife, etc


Here’s a fun thought experiment for Marco Rubio...

This appears to be the first step in President Trump’s rumored plan to remove American forces stationed in Syria...

While I agree with your sentiment, I’m still pleased at this decision if for nothing more than it’s a slap down of his legal defense of “Well when the President is Presidenting, he can’t be investigated. Like, ever.”

Whoever taught him to do those fucking linked Tweet essays should be sent to Gitmo along with whoever invented them in the first place.

I always thought he would start a war to distract from impeachment. But never in my wildest dreams did I think he would throw a key Middle East ally under the bus to advance the interests of Russia, Syria and Iran.


While a judge ruled that Trump was not immune from investigation and set a 1pm deadline to relinquish his tax returns, Trump almost immediately won a stay from an Appeals Court Judge so we’re waiting on yet another ruling before Trump is once again (briefly) ordered to surrender his tax returns, at which point I’m