Calls From The Public

Like the 52% of college educated white women who are too stupid to realize most of them are where they are because of legal access to abortion? I have a feeling they’re too stupid to care.

The dirty secret of Republican politicians is they really don’t want Roe overturned, they want it as an issue. It gets their base out to vote in every election at every level. If Roe was overturned there would be massive blowback against them and they would lose their number one issue in every election.

A note on Admissions Privileges and how it’s the perfect TRAP law (and if the SCOTUS upholds it, it’s the end of legal abortion in many states):

For real, his ass would get deported in any era with the laundry list of crimes he committed. Even the most bleeding heart person would agree that his ass deserves to be deported for what he did. I remember all the loop my dad had to jump through to become a citizen, and old Joe here deserves no sympathy.

I disagree.  The GOP believes that the white nationalist in chief is the only one who can get the base out to vote like rabid dogs.  So they will continue to enable Trump, while they have 4 more years to destroy everything they can get their hands on.  They would support Hitler himself, if they continued to get what

It's for the Chump supporter who thought her family wouldn't be torn apart by ICE

I will once again restate this: Fuck anyone who tried to tell you that Hillary and Trump were “the same.” Fuck the people who voted for Jill Stein because they were too pure and noble to sully themselves with “transactional” politics. Fuck the people who when told that the Supreme Court was too important to throw away

I recognize Atwood’s past contributions to feminism but I question whether stories like this have value anymore besides horror porn. In the past, this kind of speculative, near-future story might have helped people feel less isolated and had a galvanising effect on those who read it, so I get that. But today,

I hope all the pro-choice folks out there that didn’t vote for Hillary are happy now.

No worry.  Kavanaugh assured Susan Collins that he considered Roe, the law of the land.  And Kavanaugh wouldn’t mislead her.  And Susan would never be punked. Right?


I know plenty of people who want to end abortion, and yet these are the same people who balk at the idea of raising property taxes to build a new elementary school or putting more therapists in schools.  It’s simple math people - take away birth control/family planning services and that equals more kids born to

I like how Terese Guidace is playing the ICE card for sympathy when her husband repeatedly scammed and broke the law. He’s exactly who the deportation laws are in place to deal with and he’s in the situation by his own hubris.

I do not believe this Sting impersonator is only 22.


Well, you knew it was coming and here it is....

All of this effort to get a couple more people to vote Republican so billionaires can get tax cuts.

I had Lasik more than a decade and a half ago and to this day, I fantasize about whatever drugs they gave me. It was the best night of sleep I have EVER had and everything before and since then has paled in comparison. After the procedure they gave me a bottle with two pills. They said I probably wouldn’t need it, but

But. Her. Emails.

No matter what, it will be hard to field a jury for this case. Chances of someone knowing nothing about the case are slim. Chances of selections not having an opinion on #MeToo and sexual assault in general are even slimmer. Obviously, Weinstein’s lawyers will do their very best to get jurors who are overwhelming