I’m honestly just waiting for the day people realize you can go to great English-speaking unis abroad, and even at the international student rate, pay less than you would at state schools in the US.
I’m honestly just waiting for the day people realize you can go to great English-speaking unis abroad, and even at the international student rate, pay less than you would at state schools in the US.
I’m nearly 50 and on my phone as much as any millennial. People who go on and on about “being in the moment” must have better moments than me.
My dad is a Boomer and he absolutely has the worst image of millennials in his head. That’s served by the fact that a steady 1/3 of his TV diet is reality TV shows that center on spoiled 20-30 somethings that just get drunk all day every day. Thanks E! Network!
That’s a phrase that needs to be used more often.
No Miley, the worst is seeking validation from your millions of followers instead of exploring and standing firm in your convictions. Post, or don’t post, but do it intentionally and because you want to, not because people told you it was okay.
I like the cut of your jib.
“Serving content” is now on my list of most-hated words and phrases, just after “influencer.”
Im pretty sure she meant in trouble with her mom.
It sounds to me that Anna Farris, someone who works at acting, was trying to be funny and relating a story about how wearing braces affected her self-esteem and delayed having sex. This story can work for a guy too.
If you are disappointed in/disgusted by/disapproving of your offspring, you done fucked up somewhere.
Wouldn’t it be Tish’s fault by definition if her daughter were a bratty millennial? Isn’t the biggest problem with them their helicopter parents constantly telling them that everyone is a winner?
Acting? Please, I’ve sold enough vagina rocks that even Tony Stark looks poor in comparison!
She would know, because she’s a bratty “cool mom” Gen Xer, bless her heart.
Technicality. True Gen Xers weren’t having babies in 1992.
Gen X is the long suffering older sibling who just rolls their eyes and exhales deeply when Miley shows up at Thanksgiving with dreadlocks and demands to be called Cheyenne.
I can’t. Googled the age and Tish was born three years into the Reality Bites generation.
Note to the editor: whenever you see the word ‘millennial’ please substitute it with the phrase ‘adult 40-and-under’.
I would have chosen any of the many twisted V.C. Andrews books over sportsball ANY DAY.
Is the Anna Farris story supposed to be endearing? Because it’s definitely not.