Calls From The Public

Nah, he was just tired. The presser was during his usual nap time and he missed his snack this afternoon. My son (20 now) used to have this same look when he was 3.

“One Republican senator told me if it was a secret vote, 30 Republican senators would vote to impeach Trump.”

That is the eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwiest thing I’ve ever eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwed at. Like... he does understand that Epstein raped those girls, right? Not just “they were not of legal age to consent”, but “they did not consent and he sexually assaulted them anyway”?

His monotonal, distant affect in today’s presser [such as it was] is completely consistent with the obvious decline in mental capacity he’s been showing off of late. 

[Trump] then cited Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Sean Hannity (great guys), saying that they’ve told him that they don’t know one man or woman who “could handle what I’ve had to handle.”

Man, he loves nothing more than being the victim. The big, strong victim. The bigly-est. No one ever in the history of the whole wide world ever had it as bad.

I think that take alone is responsible for 2 mm of sea-level rise. 

I know Twitter is a cesspool, but every day I am more impressed at the depths to which it can sink.

“Also, the White House accidentally sent House Democrats a copy of their talking points on this whistleblower drama. LOL:”

Can we stop pretending it’s clever and artsy to make a shitty male character that will inevitably be lionized by awful dudes, making life worse for the rest of us? Let’s not kid ourselves that this isn’t what’s going to happen, the incel demographic is thriving.


Warner execs want to know, will all this free publicity bring ticket sales up or down?

She’s a narc! I knew it!

More like Lana Del Narc 

She’s Elizabeth ‘Lizzy’ Grant, the millionaire daughter of an NYC real estate millionaire. And no, he doesn’t own trailer parks, and she’s never lived in a trailer. Her whole persona is, well, kayfabe.

lol @ the Blue Lives Matter whining in the comments. Unsurprising.

Police exist to protect the interests of the upper class and oppress poor people and anyone who signs up for that is open to judgment. And maybe if we had an actual safety net and funded, I don’t know, mental health workers instead, we wouldn’t need cops to do a million different things every day (that they are not

The phrase “celebrity cop” should not be 

Anytime Lana Del Rey dates someone publicly I just go “Him?”  It’s very confusing, and it gets into Grimes and Elon Musk territory since it kind makes me like her a wee bit less, or just question their judgement. 

Off topic but I just watched Between Two Ferns: The Movie on Netflix today (hey, I was working on a half screen) and I feel a strong need to share how hilarious it is. If you don’t like the show, there’s something very wrong with you, I mean, you might not like the movie. But if you do it’s Zack at his best and