Because it’s not acceptable to be outwardly racist against them, but to insinuate it is just fine.
Because it’s not acceptable to be outwardly racist against them, but to insinuate it is just fine.
Some of them even wrap it in the guise of Christianity. How the Bible says the man is supposed to be the head and blah blah blah. Nobody can cherrypick like those evangelicals when it comes to how to operate in life
This will be (2020) the first national election that those born on/around Sept 11, 2001 can vote. That generation- and those only slightly older are a huge portion of the upcoming electorate. Sure, the baby boomers were a big population pool, but there are fewer of them in every election. Yet, reading op eds and…
I know a number of men like this. They’re trash, they’re not progressive no matter how many buzzwords they spout, and I have started systematically, calmly cutting them out of my life, which has made me a much happier person. I usually will find an opportunity to let them know that I’m onto their bullshit and don’t…
A man I know who says he’s a Democrat and says lots of feminist words (when he’s talking about his hopes for his college-age daughter) didn’t vote for Hillary in ‘16. He was one of those ridiculous “protest votes” for one of the independent candidates (one of the MALE ind candidates). His only reasoning was “I just…
So they purposely hand picked a group of female misogynists (because who else would vote for Trump?) and allowed them to say misogynist and sexist things in an effort to make Warren look unelectable.
Anytime I see something like this, I flash back to one of the nine million think pieces about the neglect of rural America and their righteous anger, wherein some guy interviewed in the article straight up said, “I’m not voting for a female and her agenda.” That tells you all you need to know about the whole…
We can all agree that “Oh, I love Elizabeth Warren, I’m just worried about all those other people” is basic concern trolling, right?
Two things. First, I remember in 2016 reading and hearing many times, oh, I’d vote for a woman, just not this one. Hillary Clinton is a bad candidate. If only Elizabeth Warren would run, I’d support her in a heartbeat. Well, here she is. She’s running now. What happened between then and now, except that she’s proven…
So what’s wrong with being a bitch? Tough and hard to push around. Good qualities in a world leader. It’s not what she is, it’s what she doesn’t have.
Swap out the word “woman” with “black”, and you could have placed that exact same paragraph in any discussion about Barack Obama’s “electability” in 2007.
Sure, but my point is that the differences aren’t even nuanced. There are significant differences between the platforms of H. Clinton and Warren that are worth highlighting instead of saying everyone hates them just because they’re both women. Sure, that’s a factor. But one of the reasons I want to talk about the…
Duh, neither has a penis. They are therefore identical. Any nuanced differences beyond that are willfully impossible by a whole lot of people
And throw in the Rust Belt and the Midwest in as well. I’m sick of these people needing their god damn hands held, or else they threaten to fuck over the entire world because they feel they didn’t get pandered to enough. I live in Texas, Dem candidates only come here to raise money, yet I don’t turn around and throw a…
“I like what she had to say, but I still think she’s—sorry—a bitch,” said a 56-year-old Trump supporter. Another added, “Warren won’t be looked upon as a leader because she’ll be presiding over a House and Senate full of men. I’m worried she won’t be taken seriously.”
The idea that people like this are even being interviewed and having their views be taken seriously is so fucking frustrating. Can we PLEASE stop giving airtime to these morons? If the main reason that this country goes down in flames is because perfectly fine woman candidates are seen as bitches by the electorate,…
Poor white people love to believe their own lies, see themselves as greater than their circumstances, and accordingly vote against their interests.
The way I see it, there are two very different reason pundits are trying to so hard to make everyone but Biden sound unelectable.
I always cringe when we compare Liz Warren to Hillary Clinton. Liz Warren is SO MUCH MORE PROGRESSIVE than Hillary, which to me is a strength. They are both white women who conservatives hate and both intelligent policy wonks, but the progressive nature of Warren’s platforms and detailed plans is worth noting. They…
“Electability” is just a code word for “The next guy in line deserves his shot!”, a.k.a., the party establishment knows best.