Their answer to this was a little “reserved” sign on the coffee table, which is almost worse than just not addressing it, because that would NEVERRRRR work. One of those just-suspend-disbelief things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Their answer to this was a little “reserved” sign on the coffee table, which is almost worse than just not addressing it, because that would NEVERRRRR work. One of those just-suspend-disbelief things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What’s interesting to me about the prophetic angle, is that Atwood is first and foremost a historian. She has long-stated that the content of The Handmaid’s Tale was not some horror fantasy she dreamt up - she pulled each piece of it from history. It still falls well within the dystopian category, but I am sometimes…
The only person’s information you can expect this administration will keep confidential, at ALL costs apparently, is Trump’s
There is no government agency in existence that Trump won’t or can’t corrupt.
What’s with the recent surge in the phrase “learning lesson”? I hear and see it a lot lately and it drives me nuts, it just sounds so dumb. It’s a LESSON people.
Not that I’m trying to fear-monger, but I don’t entirely trust this government to keep everyone’s information safe, all things considered.
This was a 30 Rock episode--it didn’t go too well for Liz and Jack either.
To help SNL and Michaels understand why hiring this guy was a bad idea, let me propose a hypothetical. Let’s say half the country are Nazis. As in actual died in the wool, “exterminate the jews” style Nazis. Now. let’s say these same Nazis complained that your show didn’t represent their views or made fun of them.…
Is Lorne Michaels’ sexism and racism FINALLY going to be taken seriously and not just called out and ignored as in decades past?
It’s a nice fairytale but, under Bush, the Census starting tracking people with Middle Eastern names. So, no, this isn’t entirely on Trump. We have seen this before and it broke my heart and my trust. It was shattering.
I’m seriously confused by what I’m reading on this site. I’ve never had weight issues, I am tall and thin, and I’ve also never heard the end of it from anyone around me. Women and men have been commenting on my body since I was ten. It’s partly why I’ve never been fat- because I’ve never been allowed to be fat. This…
Honestly, as someone who’s had issues with this in the past (haha, who hasn’t?), moving from “you need to love yourself!” to “things are fine.” was a really, really good switch. I’m fine. I don’t need to love my body or whatever, just accept it and treat it well. And having a therapist who let me set that goal (“I…
I came here to say this exactly. Why is Jez suddenly hating on every woman who speaks out on something, regardless of whether it’s a good or bad message?
“has been co-opted recently by women of totally socially-acceptable, skinny shapes and sizes who think the movement is just for anyone who feels good or wants to show off their armpit hair”...You guys know that Jameela has a history of eating disorders since childhood, right? And that she was severely fat-shamed by…
NPR or something(I only have a few talk radio channels programmed in my car) had a piece on this guy this past weekend, and they played parts of his podcast and discussed his “comedy” and how he defends his comedy because he likes to push boundaries(which is just lazy ass shock jock shit, but okay- you can do stuff…
Man, people really can’t win. Jameela Jamil has been saying mostly the right things for a long time, and backs it up by taking celebrities who hawk dangerous ideas and products to task. So she’s not the first to say these things, does that mean she shouldn’t say them? Or that she deserves this snotty recap of her…
Do you think conservatives realize that every time they complain about liberal bias in some institution they are basically just admitting they’re being beat? I mean it’s a free country. Nothing is stopping them from having a conservative comedy show to rival SNL or the Daily Show and yet, curiously, that hasn’t…
“A learning lesson”
Given the Trump administrations general disdain for the rule of law and the quisling lapdog AG, I wouldn’t trust any sensitive or potentially compromising info to a government agency today.
I worked as a field representative for the Census, out of the Philadelphia regional office, for 3 years, doing the American Community Survey (even met that dude Fernando Armstrong quoted in the post). The SECOND Trump took office, doing my job got 1000x harder. I worked in an area with a lot of El Salvadorean…