And I’d like more from her on Palestine, because what I’ve seen so far is awful.
“not me, us”
I think it would be an interesting way to advocate for ranked-choice voting to run polls in each primary state. Design the poll as if there were ranked choice. Then, if the results are different (demonstrating that there is vote-splitting at work and the front runner is not really the candidate most people want) you…
I think they’re actually very tightly related, climate change and FP — especially considering how disruptive the effects of climate change will be as governments in the Global South — the ones we’re constantly fucking with — try to deal with food and water scarcity and greater incidence of flooding,…
I’m pretty annoyed at how the whole anti-Sanders narrative has played out. It readily buys into right wing/centrist ideas when it tries to conflate Sanders and Warren as being almost identical. As you point out, they are not, and not in some trivial way.
if you want Warren to win it all, you need Sanders to stay in as long as possible, to keep your fellow sensible, compromising liberals okay with the idea of Liz Warren not being THAT radical.
and should your hope of both the old guys vanishing materialize, you will make an extremely entertaining face as you watch all the sensible people you have definitely talked into supporting Warren -immediately- jump ship to the new Sensible Compromise Candidate.
individual voters are not pretending to like her to stop sanders. (that’s mostly the remit of the Third Way freaks busy talking about how in order to prevent The Unthinkable they are willing to reconcile themselves to Warren. for now.) but the majority of Warren’s supporters, as of right now, are the pathological…
Domestically, Sanders and Warren are examples of more or less parallel evolution — while both currently espouse a European-style social democratic welfare state, they’ve come to that point from very different starting locations.
agreed with you on the Booker line. the point of the statement is that Warren’s support is -incredibly- soft, and she is god-awful at holding her ground when attacked. her instinct is to equivocate and compromise in order to buy time for an intellectual reconcilation with the asshole calling her Pocahontas. and in a…