Settle down. The show spoiled it by showing Hopper in their teasers months ago.
Settle down. The show spoiled it by showing Hopper in their teasers months ago.
LOL you still care.
I made him cry so he created an account to troll me. He’s really bad at it.
She could lose everything and she’d still have more than you, fuckputz.
Bitter pretty much sums up that commenter.
That’s bc you’re an illiterate asshole.
Eat a dead frog.
This has nothing to do with the article. It’s your own little bugaboo.
Spanking a child just teaches them that you lack self control and are a hypocrite.
Wow so cool. Some of us watched both.
That commenter hasn’t even seen the show but god forbid they don’t make something about them. If they don’t get likes they might die.
I wondered the same about Reiser.
The second to last episode felt a bit padded but I was impatient to get to the fireworks factory.
Proud boys. The PB’s are the terrorists. See how easy that was?
Haven’t seen them around much. I have to wonder if AVC finally broke them.
Eat an entire golf bag full of tees.
So you were a shitty person before and this article makes you want to be shittier? What a flex.
Drink bleach.
Drink some bleach.