
Does anyone else find that their mental illness(es) makes it very hard for them to trust their gut? I am so prone to second-guessing myself. I think I have pretty good instincts where people are involved but I always struggle with listening to my inner voice because it’s usually saying ‘Everyone secretly hates you and


Thank you for articulating this, I’ve felt this for a long time. And I’m so sick of the garbage “advice” I’ve gotten. A friend who I love and depend on told me that as soon as I loved myself the relationship would follow, which is something I’ve heard from a lot of people. Like, good for you, not only do you have a

Wow Jane. As a lady who also grew up in some male circles this rang so very true. The price of my objection to sexist things being social rejection, playing along allowing me the slimmest pass on to the team. Ugh.

Women, I think, get a lot of this pressure. Pressure to be in a relationship. Pressure to have a baby. Pressure to focus on family and making your spouse happy. Pressure to fit into society’s norms of beauty. It’s exhausting. Sometimes, we just need someone to confirm that it’s okay to let go.

I feel like I’ve known this on a base level forever, but it’s difficult advice to heed sometimes. I am now separated—but still technically married—from my spouse of more than 10 years. A few years ago I knew I should have run, and now, because I didn’t, I’m in a pretty difficult situation. As my ex’s mental health

But also, nothing too butch, amirite!


When I was having doubts about my ex’s feelings for me, you’d be surprised how many friends, feminists, and family members tried to talk me out of my doubts. My parents were the worst of all. My ex didn’t help because when I brought up the notion that maybe he didn’t like me all that much and we should break up, he

These last couple of months have been brutal, but the last few days especially so for me. I’ve been remembering more and more incidents and ‘run-ins’ with the fellow that assaulted me prior to the actual event, as well as the immediate aftermath and the chaos that ensued for me. I’m sick, I’m stressing, I’m not

I can think of times in my life when my gut failed to pick up on danger, but I cannot think of any time when it warned me and I was wrong.

I never said they were as strong as the men. Nor do they have to be, in a race car. Racing takes strength and conditioning, but not so much that women physically can’t be competitive, otherwise all race car drivers would look like Schwarzenegger.

“Guilt is the devil’s tool”

You were just a baby. Is there something you were supposed to do that I’m missing?

And that right there sounds exactly like my Uncle’s garage. But god forbid you wore anything remotely sexual. You wouldn’t want people thinking you were a slut, now, would you?

The second piece of advice after “run” is “but know that very few people will help you and those in power will actively make it harder.”

Sound advice.

It’s because the sport offers truly equal opportunities to both men and women. Motorsport does not. Trust me, on a serious youth kart racing league there are sexist parents, coaches and sponsors that just limit the opportunity for women and the way motorsports is, if you don’t have years of experience as a kid you

Maybe woman would be more interested if they felt welcomed. Little girls literally said they didn’t think they were allowed to race, so why would they be interested in that?

“Jorda argues that women can never compete in racing on equal footing with men because of fundamental biological differences.”