
“I will get a lot of flak for this (full disclosure, white man about to agree with other richer white man) but I get what Matt Damon is trying to say, he just said it poorly.”

Yep. Jay-Z had a variant on his when his first daughter was born, some insight on how awful it was to call women “bitches” and how being a Father To A Daughter meant he understood that now. Oh fuck off. You understood it just fine before, but you now have the fear that some asshole is going to be just like you to your

Because good men are not serial sexual abusers.

Snatching a purse and jacking a car are not of the same severity. They ARE, however, equally unacceptable.

Guys, simple rule. Let’s make this easy for you. If you wouldn’t say it to your male boss, don’t say it to me. I’ve been at several jobs where I am the only woman. And instead of letting me eat my goddamned lunch in peace, here’s what I get:

I had to shut a dude down recently (after he shared this sympathetic post of Franken visiting someone woman in the hospital because I guess this was supposed to cancel out his behavior)  who also said he “wished there was an ethics investigation and there was a rush to punishment and he felt cheated.” I was like, I

Matt Damon has been riding on the “not Ben Affleck” high horse for way too long....

now i’m expecting some dirt on you to turn up..

Now playing

Can we just expand this message to all men who are currently trying to downplay how toxic their workplace cultures are, trying to fool people into thinking that just because there is not sexual assault/harassment actively taking place at their workplace that means there isn’t something still deeply flawed with them?

Why do men get so many chances in Hollywood? There are thousands of people begging to be part of that industry, it’s not like you can’t find someone else who doesn’t harass and abuse women. Women get discarded for daring to age past 30 while men are allowed to work after assaulting, raping, harassing, etc.

Not to mention, he states that rape=prison like it’s some forgone conclusion. I guess he hasn’t noticed how many rapists get away with it. See: Weinstein, Cosby, most rich white male rapists....


LOL the problem is that yes there currently IS a continuum, but it’s one where prison punishment stops right around harm to children, and anything that happens to a grown ass woman is just “kind of shameful and gross... but we can work with that I guess.” Predators sometimes get caught and say they’re sorry and that

I just think men need to know when to shut up. I’m baffled by so many men having opinions on things they, themselves, have never experienced.

“Well, that’s the sign of somebody who—well, we can work with that”

I imagine the price that he’s paid at this point is so beyond anything that he—

Q: Is there a difference between butt grabbing and rape?

shit mate (matt... whatever)... a simple he fucked up woulda done it

When you’re blind to your own privilege and used to only relating to people like you, I imagine this is a scary time to be alive. Anyone who isn’t a “people like you” getting a toehold is a threat. Anyone who isn’t a “people like you” accusing someone who is a “people like you” of something is to be disbelieved and

If only I had the moola!