How about when you’re alone with a female co-worker, you just talk about WORK?
How about when you’re alone with a female co-worker, you just talk about WORK?
Liars? I want to give context to your theory on the Mike Pence rule.
No, it is the frequency of men sexually harassing and assaulting people that is to blame. If you are nervous, blame your fellow men for making the accounts of harassment so believable by so frequently harassing/assaulting.
Um, how many times have you been accused because if it’s this concerning to you maybe you should examine your behavior towards people
You don’t have anything to worry about, Burger King already has cameras.
Why don’t you understand that there is no risk if you’re able to interact with women like they’re actual humans? Keep your hands to yourself and treat women with the basic respect you’d treat another man with and you’re golden.
Right? Like if you can’t act like a fucking human alone with a female coworker I think you might need to live on a island by yourself somewhere. I know it should be internally generated that you not be a total greasy fucking creep but it might help a little if more workplaces had actual sexual harassment guidelines…
The vast majority of sexual harassment/sexual assault cases are, in actuality, never reported.
Seriously. The answer isn’t to avoid being alone with women. The answer is to be able to be alone with a woman without acting like a creep.
Any guy scared enough to be adopting the Mike Pence rule is a guy who needs to adopt the Mike Pence rule. Let them tell on themselves.
Yeah, what happened with Affleck? That seems to have pretty much disappeared.
Yeah, I’ll be impressed when they start punishing the Allens and Polanskis and Afflecks. Same with all the celebrities disavowing Weinstein who still work with these known garbage fires.
I am wanting every body in the world to #tellit. No more suffering in silence. Tell it.
Something that doesn’t get as much airtime is what a fantastic role model for boys Steve Trevor is. He’s neither controlling nor passive. He’s got his shit to do and he does it, and he’s too practical to freak out that Diana is a woman or to try and “protect” her.
Totally. I have two young boys and we watch most of the superhero movies together. I felt so proud to show them Wonder Woman. My expectations weren’t high and I just found myself feeling overcome with emotion. And I loved the way the romance part was handled because I was afraid it was going to rely too heavily on it…
I watched it last week on a plane. I also cried, like in the first 10 minutes. I’m a tough, successful woman in a corporate setting, and I’m no Women’s Studies major. But it was still so fking beautiful to see the opening scenes of women being so kick-ass. They did a really good job with that movie.
Same. I got chills and cried and totally didn’t expect it. Watching women be warriors is something I didn’t know I needed.
OMG so did I and when I tell friends that, they look at me like I’m nuts!
Please do. I cried a good three times. I didn’t expect to have such an emotional response to it.
The whole “Democrats are hypocrites” thing is so stupid. We spoke out against Trump, and are now also speaking out against the Hollywood abusers. Meanwhile, they are speaking out against the Hollywood abusers but not against the abusers in their own party, yet we are the hypocrites. It makes no goddamn sense.