
You know how some people wonder “how come women end up in abusive relationships, one after another?” This is how. The cycle of violence is real, but MORE men are abusers in some way than people are willing to accept or realize. Especially when the man himself doesn’t believe it.

Try to be friends with them as though they were other men you want to be friends with. Talk to them as though they are people, and not just because you want to date/fuck them. Stop thinking of yourself as the Nice Guy. The friendzone is real; you can be friends with a woman, but if you’re only in the friendzone

How do you write this article and not shout out the fabulous Lindy West article???

It is also an insidious reminder that “allegations” is a term that immediately conjures up suspicion. It has been made to signify petty gossip that has little basis in truth; historically coded as the accusations of untrustworthy women. The witch hunt narrative winks at this old stereotype, braiding it with the

If outing creeplords is out new national sport, well it sure beats the shit out of baseball.

God that piece was good. I had read Mayim Bialek’s op ed a few days earlier and thought, uh, ok, that’s odd. I really wish they had run a column by Lindy West instead. Them boom! Perfection. Strong, unapologetic, and tightly reasoned. She said what I didn’t know I was feeling.

“This moment is no witch hunt. Instead, perhaps for the first time, the news cycle is simply reflecting the lived reality of sexual assault and harassment.”

If Galloway thinks that things are “turning into a witch hunt”, he should be supporting much improved systems to help identify abusers and hold them accountable (so we wouldn’t have to rely on public shaming to deal with it). But there’s nothing like that in his piece, just the comparison to the Satanism Panic of the

What is happening is not a witch hunt, these men are being OUTED for who they are. It was an open secret that the men now being featured in the media, were abusers in some form. The old saying, power in numbers has given women a strength, to feel free to to speak up without the fear of being blackballed.

omg it’s happening.

It’s the title of an excellent piece about all this by our ex-Jez lady Lindy!!

It was Lindy West in the NYT:

Nothing like co-opting a term describing violence against women for perpetrators of violence against women.

There’s a tweet I wish I could find that sums the witch hunt shit up perfectly. It goes something like this:

And the only people worried about a “witch hunt” are men who put bits of themselves on or in others when they weren’t given permission.

Fuck The Hollywood Reporter and Fuck Variety.

I really hope that this momentum continues, and that there is enough push back to counter the “witch hunt” faction. These fuckers should be named, should be called out.

“‘I’m terrified that, in our righteous quest to do good, we’re sweeping up the innocent as well as the guilty,’ Galloway wrote. ‘We’re accepting allegations in the place of solid proof.’”

Sit down.