
I don’t disagree with the thrust of this piece (except maybe the need to reduce everything to a competition between which pop star is most worthy of our affection), but it’s not exactly revelatory, is it? Of course Taylor Swift’s [insert thing here] is not a feminist manifesto. It is a Swiftist Manifesto, and always

I loved being on the pill, then went off because I wanted to be hormone free. I didn’t realize how much the pill affected me until I went off it. My libido skyrocketed. I learned what ovulation felt like, and how my libido comes and goes with my cycle. I am way more lubricated when I’m turned on. SO MUCH PUSSY JUICE.


After years of wrapping it up with partners and no birth control I decided to go on it prior to my wedding so it was special... Instead birth control pills turned me into a lunatic- my mood swings were quick and deep- really low lows and inexplicable and intense anger- way beyond any normal PMS. I also found myself

All birth control pills I have tried have completely killed my libido and have also contributed to painful intercourse. So I basically don’t have sex. On the upside, I haven’t accidentally become pregnant. They’re working!

My contribution: Spending months to turn a completely worthless item into pure gold.

1. Most women don't care what you think about their make up. The meaning of life isn't in pleasing men.

Yeah, think of all the other important, consequential stories we could have been posting at 10pm on a Thursday.

Del Toro said in an interview that this movie is going to be kinky as fuck.

Related: Gawker Media men leave the seat up, but far less frequently than you might expect.

My super awesome mom, after years of working as a successful independent consultant, recently accepted a job as an executive/c-suite level employee at a financial firm. She is the only woman executive. During her first week, another executive told her part of her duties would be to cover the phones when the

I work in small office and I'm the only woman. EVERY TIME we have meetings with consultants someone will ask me "Do you know how to work the coffee machine?" while we're all settling into the conference room. What they mean is "Will you make us some coffee?"

I've had 6 jobs since starting law school in 2006, and at every single workplace, this has been true, though I hadn't really ever thought about it until reading this.

Best part of the SOTU? Watching Biden and Boehner in the background.

In my small town the thing to do on New Years when you were a teen was to go to the skating rink and take part in a "Lock-In", where they lock the doors and you skate and "party" all night (which meant 1am).

This makes me very sad.

Here's the conversation I had with my husband last night: "wow, my family REALLY improved their knowledge of me as displayed by their gift selections. I really feel pretty understood and loved right now. Maybe they've actually started listening to me?" My husband: "you didn't notice these are all from your Amazon wish

its Dale. Not baille. It means lets do this. LOL maybe I am wrong also and pitbull saying something else. The dude looks like an ice cream vendor in some of the lame suits he wears

NO. It contains the words: "This biggity boy is a diggity dog."