
I don’t want to write an entire essay on my feelings around the insurance industry, but you really do make valid points that I agree with. I just want to make sure everyone who supports Medicare for All/getting rid of private insurance companies understands that companies like Aetna or United have maybe 1,000 evil

I hope you’re right. If we can at least get rid of every company’s actuary department that would be a good start.

It comes down to how much it costs and what is legally required. I think the law is that insurers have to provide coverage for vaccines but not necessarily provide no-cost point of service coverage. They HAVE to cover your annual check up and blood work (altho the second you mention any illness it’s no longer an

“trans people won’t be easily identifiable by the inevitable police state” oh noooooo

Please do not eliminate private insurance. Hundreds of thousands of people, myself including, have spent their entire careers in the private insurance industry. It’s not just CEOs and evil medical directors. It’s medical coders and reporting analysts and pharmacy technicians that make $50k a year. You get rid of

People are just pissed all the time they spent theory-crafting didn’t pay off.

thank you for this very thoughtful comment and for the links. TIL what “zionism” means after hearing it tossed around for years.

I think the left’s lack of unity has less to do with the white male patriarchy and more to do with tone policing and how no matter how left you are on an issue you can never be left enough. If you go to a women’s march but not a BLM protest, you’re racist. There is as little room for nuanced opinions on the left as on

why are all entertainers obligated to also be political activists?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

When was this training supposed to start? I was at the Starbucks on 20th and Market in Philadelphia this morning, and they showed no signs of winding down.

My husband is from this part of the state. Can confirm York is full of outright racists, “but I have one black coworker buddy” racists, “get those black kids away from my car” racists, “all the black people I know are obviously poor” racists. White people have all lived there for 100 years, they all know each other,

I work for a managed Medicaid company, which means the state pays us to provide insurance to people on Medicaid. It is one of the most heavily regulated, scrutinized states in the country.

oh man. I work for one of these companies. Mine matches a maximum of $x per year, up to a lifetime max of $x. You can do the maximum all at once if you want (as long as you make a corresponding payment) or spread it out. Last year I chose the former with my federal income tax return, and my next paycheck was basically

I recently fired up Fable 2 for the first time in ages and will be binging that tonight. I named my character’s dog Puppy.

He owns a venture capitalist fund that specializes in seeding up and coming technologies. I think he’s smart enough to know he’s turning a blind eye to the very person he claims to be working against just because they’re friends.

So much this. I work in Operations for a Managed Medicaid Company. If I had a dollar for every hair-brained money-saving care-extending scheme my state government came up with that turned out to waste money and DECREASE access to care, I could fund Single Payer. I do not trust anyone outside the private sector to

This is a big issue for the Medicaid claims processor I work for. Dentists don’t get paid enough to deal with scared low-income kids whose parents don’t have a lot of education on whatever procedure they’re getting. Rather than take the time to talk everyone thru it, this one dentist sedated perfectly healthy kids so

I mean we’ve been ignoring white supremacists and militia groups for 30 years and they haven’t gotten a reaction until this weekend.

I already commented but I like this interpretation. If we spent as much time organizing politically as we do dissecting the intentions of liberal comedians, we might actually have a chance at changing things.