
But, I have to ask. Why?

@Morgan Culp: Want to fix the national debt? just sue this guy.

I bet your axe doesn't have TWO USB ports!

I shall sharpen the edges of my MBA and wield it as a mighty weapon, for she has chosen me.

I don't think this is true. I think the New York Times just wanted some more action in their print.

It'll probably explode and/or sleep with your wife after a month.

Hmmm... pretty cool. But is it worth 3 bucks. That's three McDoubles.


@LatestBy: Welcome to Chicago, Canada.

Man, 98 had some bomb screen savers. =[

Anybody else get the urge to play Roller Coaster Tycoon after watching that?

@Dabamasha: You're missing the point.

Most people here are missing the point of the project. It's not a 'privacy solution', it's just something cool and fun to entertain passers.

Or maybe she's smiting terrorism.

The guy behind them looks pissed.