
I'm sorry...I don't see what any of these undoubtedly cool figures have to do with Star Wars...someone help me out... The one in the middle on the top photo is supposed to be Aunt Beru? Mon Mothma? The one at the left with the pig-tails is related to Star Wars because her name vaguely reminds us of Darth Vader, while

Love the layout of this pic so much, I made it my new wallpaper. However it can be easily replaced if someone has some Scully & Amy Pond fan art out there....

I knew the movie was going to happen, I contributed and sat and watched the kickstarter amount-raised ticker for 40 minutes as it neared it's goal.

I replied directly (and only) to Gabrielle's comment in which she expressed the hope that they would decide to do a 10 episode season. THAT is what was not, and is not

Maybe now I don't have to sit through the narcissistic crap that is HOUSE OF LIES just to get my KB fix!

Some interesting pairings, so kudos for that. My question is more basic. How were shows determined to be 'science-fiction'? While I really like a lot of the included shows, I never would have described them as 'science-fiction' - many of these shows just seem like pure fantasy or horror to me.