
have to love the corporate doubleBSpeak. the full quote should have been:

You must have been a drama major in school. That's the only way I can see how anyone could describe getting to use a commercial product for free for a short period of time getting 'shafted'.

but don't forget that old adage, "Heat goes sideways".

Right, because dark makeup, dirty faces, plaid shirts and cheap plain jeans are exclusively Native American?

Well, not *anything* but I am sure you can the parts for something.

This would be really useful if manufacturers actually packaged their products in 'units'. I usually see contents of products measured by ounces or liters or gallons or pounds, I can't remember ever seeing anything measured in 'units'.

It's similar to the state of Massachusett's decriminalization of Marijuana. While it is no longer a criminal offense for anyone to possess a small amount, it is illegal to grow it or sell it. So while you can legally own it, there is no way to legally acquire it (other than a medical prescription).

Meh. It's a paying gig. At least he's not doing a Depends commercial.

Ditto. Lots of businesses are still supplying employees with Win7 machines (I got a new work laptop with Win7 just 2 weeks ago)

some commenters have made their comments broad enough to encompass a non-gender specific discussion of attitudes around attractiveness, but just in case i missed the explicit statement - This is NOT a gender specific bias or issue. As an average looking male, I've had people tell me I was 'lucky' to have the

Learn to stop projecting your issues onto other people and life will be much simpler.

I want to like this next season of Community, but I didn't find anything remotely funny in that clip. It felt more like an acting class doing a youtube skit based on the community characters than it did actual Community level writing/acting.

Yes, it's widely known that fake language teachers are sneaky.

i don't add salt to the water unless i am making my own sauce, almost all commercial sauces other then the pricey gourmet organic sauces have outrageous amounts of sodium in them. 1/2 cup of sauce can have 25-30% of your %daily value.

I read those re-posts before they were posted on reddit. They were originally on these little indie sites you've probably never heard of.

obviously these solutions aren't really intended for anyone who has $1000 to spend on a camera.

just set up a twitter account that you only use for promotional offers.

I use cinnamon but if you don't want to have to watch it as closely or risk forgetting about it in the oven, you can just sprinkle some cinnamon in a pot of water and let it simmer.

I've seen a GPS device holder designed to sit on a dashboard that is basically the same thing as you suggest here. Think it had some non-skid material on the bottom to keep it from sliding while going around corners, but other than that it was just a beanbag.

Why do people insist on calling any collection of more than 2 shelves "bookshelves"? Those are just standard all-purpose shelves.