
Middle aged man cooler flip > college star’s bat flip

Pant O’Mime was going to attend White Sox camp to appear at White Sox camp today, but Kenny Williams barred his son, Sweetchild O’Mime from the facilities. The younger O’Mime, with a tear in his eye, looked to his father and mouthed the words “Where do we go now?”

Pant O’Mime.

They’re going to make him go to Baltimore for making a joke about the Ravens? Seems harsh.

Make America gegenpress again.

Klopp reactions are the best.

Can we nominate him to be President?

So the Broncos are trying to sway the officials by complaining that Brady tries to sway the officials.

Police in Massachusetts covering up potential crimes? They must have confused Jones with a priest.

ill preface this comment by saying i was born and raised in Massachusetts (spent 25 yeas in Boston and the South Shore.). This has to be the first time ever that the police have covered up for a black guy.

Well, this will be a black eye on the organization

“In the college library instead of studying for finals“ has to be on the list somewhere.

I’m confused, if another member of the officiating crew saw the facemask then why did they not throw a the flag?

Now playing

This is and will forever be my favorite sideline reporter fuck up.

I was at this yesterday. Great game and a cracking fight.

Players came into the crowd after the game.

Who in their right mind decided field hockey was a better sport than this?

It all started with those bear-ticipation trophies as cubs.

Oh, see, that’s much simpler. Thanks, friend.
