
Not a huge surprise they settled. Cases like this only go to trial once in a black and blue moon.

I loved the sideways motion John Oliver gave with his hand as he said that. I only wish he was wearing a green Incredible Hulk glove.

“Fuck these assholes. Fuck them—if I may say—sideways”


I guess Aqib Talib can join Peyton Manning and Jason Pierre Paul on the list of athletes who have no idea what the ends of their fingers are doing.

That W is against the Colts, right?

Bigger shitstorm: Detroit Lions, Cleveland Browns, or Chelsea? Discuss.

Karma has finally arrived for “only accountable when winning” Jose. Special shout out to Skrtel for a great game and not getting suckered into retaliation against fuckbag Diego Costa.

“We are on to the Cincinnati.”

Where do babies come from?

That other 5 minutes? You need a pro.

Where pilots make their money:

As a Cub fan that keeps themselves in check, enjoys watching games with her Father (he’s a life long fan..We don’t have much in common but there is something about watching a lazy Sunday game with a bowl of chili) and tries to keep things light hearted (but still pretty fucking excited); Thank You.


Yep, it landed on the scoreboard.

I will not stand for those who are already pre-emptively expressing disgust for Cubs fans and their newfound success. Success eventually gets annoying for every successful team, particularly those in large markets. And I hate when people say “Cubbies,” and I know Wrigley has always been filled with a lot of people who

Seemed like a really smooth landing considering their technology.

Except the B-52 was not a WWII airplane. It’s maiden flight was in 1952.

I was with you until “busy Idaho freeway.”

“Busy Idaho Freeway During Rush Hour”

Another classic segment of “Charlotte’s Web Gems.”