
Barry - could you elaborate on what is required to complete the process?

Hey Tom thanks for this massive jinx on Arsenal this coming weekend. Everton are definitely taking at least 1 point and Howard is going to stand on his head.

Thanks Obamacare.

Scouts remained unimpressed by Clay's 40 yard dash.

Riley Cooper said the N-word once.

"If anything, it was an honest mistake," said the Eagles spokesperson. "But accident or not, if it helps us get to the bottom of it, I will fight every printer here."

I think they put a white guy on there to remind everyone it's not a leap year.

Got any more of that Mountain Wave? Just need to get a little high is all, just need some altitude, baby. Need to catch me one of them thermals.

The only legitimate use of a selfie stick I've seen.

I hope he wore a glove.

Beat me by a fucking minute. +1

This girl seems like a pretty unbelievable catch.

Am I the only one who thinks that it looks like Goodell pissed his pants in that picture?

"Cuz, it' go...........down."

At least he is FINALLY entertaining!!!!

Too bad he didn't bite and cut off his tongue while falling.

One time, the stewardess on my private jet forgot to bring my extra monocle and top hat on board. The lower classes can be so careless. Without my spare monocle, I had to be sure not to gasp in horror and drop my only one. I couldn't imagine going about my important business and meeting with important people without a

Glad I can keep things in perspective for you.