So we're just not going to talk about the guy asleep behind him then?
I didn't do a double-take until she basically told Oklahoma QB Trevor Knight that she wanted to fuck him on the air.
Two things:
Wow, how blunt of her.
The day that I have sympathy for Man Utd being hard done by a refereeing decision will be a dark day, indeed.
Some secretary is about to to jump on the grenade, get a 5 million dollar golden parachute, sign a confidentiality agreement, blow through the 5 mill in a year, and come out that she did INDEED show the vid to Goodell on a very special episode of Oprah. Book it!!
Another poster-child to Stockholm Syndrome.
I understand her frustration but she should realize that this is not only for her it's for all the women who come after her who are being abused right now.
But she probably won't realize that.
Hope she does, though. For her own sake.
And i hope Ray Rice truly regrets what he did…
"Failure is not getting knocked down. It's not getting up."
After the Qatar fiasco, Sepp Blatter set up the FIFA Corruption Watchdog Group to better advise members on how to accept bribes in a less conspicuous manner. This man should be fired, my god, he got caught.
Wes Welker was not the only bronco walking around the Kentucky Derby high on amphetamines.
I like number 79s reaction at about :45 on the video, wanted no part of it, and just said fuck it, Im outta here.
"He's a snake, a gay snake. Not to be trusted."
Let me take it from here:
I'd say the 2 and 5 were switched.
You accidentally switched the 1 and the 5 around, friend. Just lookin' out for ya.
World Series 2015!!!!