
rooney mara is my spirit animal and I didn’t know it until just now

All Asian jokes aside, I like Emma Stone and this sucks for her and the other actresses who have to deal with it.

Woof. It’s too bad there weren’t people near by trying to warn people about this kind of thing!

He’s picking people to dismantle the things they head up. It’s so obviously intentional at this point. Russia wants to weaken the US, and they won their puppet presidency so it’s going to happen.

I wonder if, in later years (should we survive this administration) folks will speak of the Trump Baby Bust in contradistinction to the Baby Boom. You are only one of many many people I’ve heard say they are now reconsidering having children.


They cling to their guns and religion and we end up with a circus peanut for President.

Fuck him and his willfull stupidity. I hope he is jailed with Tossed Salad Guy [see Chris Rock].

I absolutely detest that Alex Jones gained enough traction that I now know who he is. Anything he doesn’t want to believe is “fake”. NYMag had a heartbreaking piece today about a former Alex Jones listener whose son was killed in Newtown. And as a grieving parent has been trying to convince Jones and other hoax-ers

Apparently Alex Jones is now saying that this was some sort of fake event staged by Hillary’s people.

conspiracy theories may end up guiding government policy

Just like Trump, he’s another moron that doesn’t understand the burden of proof.

Honestly, half of Trump’s transition team would be on a 5150 hold if they weren’t uberwealthy white glitterati.

This idiotic dipshit epitome of privilege was just weeks away from a White House gig that would have probably set him up for life (not that he isn’t already set up for life), and the only thing that stopped him was stepping on his own dick on Twitter.