Calliopeia Lutenist

*grins* No problem. :) Just wanted to make sure no-one took it upon themselves to start experimenting with things like ergot, belladonna, hemlock, and wolfsbane. :) Besides, other than being an alternative religion type, I'm also a confirmed English geek (particularly with things like Shakespeare), a

Fascinating. That makes him OK in my book. Not as cool as Liam Lynch, of course, who rocks my socks, but…. not bad as I thought. :) (I only obsessively research people/bands/things I'm severely interested in, and, sadly, until now, Vin has escaped my notice almost entirely. This is probably because he has been

Nothing wrong with porn. Especially if there're two women (and maybe a man or two) in it… ;)

I take back any bad things I might've said about M. Diesel if he plays D&D… which edition, I wonder? I realize I'm sadly behind the times, having last played v. 3, but….

I like my girls curvy. Now, my boys, on the other hand, tend to be preferred a little on the skinny side… my current boyfriend is an exception to the rule (6'3", and 280), but by general historical preference, above 6' and below 180. *remembers Darren, one of her (many) boyfriends when she was 18… 6'8" and 160….

I'm not skinny, but I'll gladly eat at the Cheesecake Factory! ;)

I'm Wiccan, but if you're going to call me something other than 'a Wiccan', please call me a witch. "One of a group of Wiccas" just doesn't fly, no matter how much flying ointment is used. ;)

Go, Xanderpuss! :) Don't know you, haven't met you (nice to meet you, BTW ;)), but I love your altitude. :)

I adore this damned show! I don't give a crap about Vin Diesel, even if he *was* rather good in…. um… one or the other of his various movies (my boyfriend could tell you which one we liked, but I can't remember), but Game of Thrones pwns me! :) [Currently making my way through season four…. NO SPOILERS, PLEASE!!!!